The Nashville Christmas bombing

I’ve got a meme and everything.

so what do we win if we voted correctly in the poll?

I mean, this is clearly crackpot territory, yeah?

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Why don’t you ask a lizard person if it’s crackpot territory?


The letter urged the friend to watch some internet videos he included on two Samsung thumb drives.

Youtuuubbbeeezzzzzz from the grave!


Is it too late to change my vote on Section 230?

Everyone calling the guy a crack pot are falling right into the lizard people overlord clutches.

I think he was a TruthSeeer


Best of luck with the TRT, it was pretty life changing for me. I recommend getting past the gels and going directly to self-injection. Better uptake to free T that way. Also, look into a aromatase inhibitor. This will reduce conversion to estrogen. Do this with your doctor of course. Everyone needs estrogen so you are not looking to crater your estrogen levels but it helps me get more “bang for the buck” from my Test injections.

They can’t though, to discourage copycats