The Nashville Christmas bombing

That seems very possible, but remember that there is zero copay or deductible. You can choose to have a copay plan for dental IIRC, but they must cover 100% of the sum/ things that regular public health insurance covers.

Yeah it sounds like Germany is a lot closer to the US than the rest of Europe, except maybe Switzerland.

I wasnā€™t worried about that but I was worried about her not being careful in general. Luckily Costa Rica is just super safe in general for a tourist.

We only hooked up on the first trip because we were piss drunk. Sheā€™s a very conservative girl otherwise. She told me sheā€™s kind of asexual, which was a vibe I got before we hooked up. Iā€™m feeling pretty asexual myself these days for some reason - low T I guess. So I wasnā€™t bummed nothing happened. We did get along great so who knows as far as long term. I mean at some age sex just goes away anyway right?

I hooked up with a random girl and Panama and had the worst sore throat of my life for a week afterwards. Sex is dirty. The last two times I can think of I got sick were sex and late night poker session with lots of drinking. If I just do normal stuff I never get sick.

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I enjoyed learning that aufgegeben means that a German chess player is resigning the game.

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Yes, well, exchanging body fluids and germs often results in a few unwanted side effects with a new person at first, so at least you swerved that.

It actually means the player has already resigned. The infinitive is just aufgeben

I think it makes sense for pensions and unemployment insurance as the result is also progressive.

Iā€™m not here to shame you but I am genuinely curious if you think the trip was worth it or if you regret it? If it was me and I thought i was going to potentially meet a life partner and/or have some good sex on a trip to Costa Rica with someone and then I got friend zoned I would probably not be too happy but you seem more mature about these kinds of things than me.

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Well Iā€™m effin pissed about the lack of stories. For goodness sake man, lie to me.


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I may have friend-zoned her more than she friend-zoned me. I didnā€™t try anything even though it may have worked out. She seemed flirty a few times. And thereā€™s also covid which would have been in the back of both of our minds. Only way something would have happened would be if we got piss drunk, like the first time. Iā€™m so sick of initial sexual encounters being a drunken shitshow.

Sheā€™s too skinny for my tastes, and the initial whining about the cold put me off to having any long term romantic feelings. Although we did get along really well after that and I definitely miss her company. So maybe somewhere down the road.

When I say I feel asexual right now Iā€™m not kidding. I actually just started TRT, but with super low dose to start - and I donā€™t feel much yet. Iā€™m in that state where itā€™s been so long since I had sex my body has forgotten what itā€™s like.

My initial trip was similar. I wasnā€™t looking to get laid, but having company was nice. Itā€™s easier to make fast friends with a woman in my experience. Two dudes are always worried the other is gay.

No I donā€™t really regret it. My life sucks. Having someone to talk to for 10 days, get out of LA, do touristy things (outdoors) was huge. Except for very low probability scenarios Iā€™m really only risking hurting myself. Or maybe her, but the whole thing was her idea. If I was putting someone else at risk Iā€™d feel different.

Of course if I lose my sense of smell tomorrow Iā€™ll feel completely different.


If only Anthony Q Warner could see what his terrorism has led to - a lengthy discussion about tax rates in Germany and low testosterone levels playing a part in a sex free trip to Costa Rica. Heā€™d be so proud.


Doesnā€™t your ex owe you one? You need to cash in and get back in the saddle as fast as is practical. Hope the TRT helps. Iā€™ve never encountered someone who didnā€™t feel that it helped in some way. I suspect your lifts will increase with relative ease as well.

My ex is bubbling with her ex-boss right now. No dice there. Heā€™s new and exciting. Iā€™m the leftovers in the back of the fridge.

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Hey, a promise is a promise.

But I was thinking like post vaccination, not like tomorrow.

Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get some again post-vaccination.

People that did good in life in the US have premium health insurance on top of Medicare. The poorest people have overlay insurance for Medicare because Medicare has a lot of holes.

Nashville Christmas bombing now more like suzzer Costa Rica bombing.

j/k No, sex doesnā€™t necessarily go away at some age. At some point you just move to the villages if you can afford it.


Apologies for derail:

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Who could have seen that coming.

I hate that they wonā€™t publish the letters.