You could basically end modern life as we know it with EMP blasts over US soil.
We need to start a ham radio group? Sending memes will be hard.
Even worse would be having to endure blasts of ELO.
it triggers the libz, so yes
If this guy turns out to be a [redacted] Inspired Terrorist, can we call him a tit, and hereafter any such persons so inspired tits? Like, “the tiki torch-wielding tits are out in force today”.
I think this has kind of been overblown
The problem with fear over electromagnetic weapons is that it forgets two simple facts. First, generating enough juice to cause a significant amount of damage is really hard. Second, a country dealing with busted electronics after an EMP assault is a country fighting a nuclear war.
CNN reports cops are now calling this a “suicide bombing”. So it very much looks like the suspect being honed in on is the right one.
He’s dead?
Yeah. Very likely.
Elaborate suicide attempt by someone who hated ATT and fortunately didn’t want to kill anyone else seems like the most reasonable explanation for a weird event.
A nice, thoughtful terrorist wary of injuring others is not something I had on my 2020 Bingo Card.
That’s how they do it in Nashville, southern hospitality dontchaknow.
Guy was old enough to remember when ATT was THE phone company. Could have been an oldschool conspiracy nut.
I saw screenshots from street view showing a guy falling down crossing the street. Is a crazy place we live.
That wasn’t that long ago
Makes ya think!
Like I said. It’s gonna be Q retards.
Total antifa profile - Andy Ngo - right again.