The morality and ethics of buying groceries during a pandemic

Nobody has ever willingly said this

I recall grizy insisting that Mickey D’s is healthy food because you could just order a salad and water and that was the last time I ever took him seriously about anything.

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I won’t be voting for either rapist in November. Not that it matters, as I live in Oklahoma. I’ll vote down ballot for Kendra Horn and Abby Broyles.

If the DemE gave a flying fuck about beating Trump in November, they wouldn’t have coalesced around the worst possible candidate and alienated a huge portion of their voter base. Fuck em. The party deserves to burn and this country gets what it deserves.

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The worst possible candidate was Bloomberg.

In Chicago we don’t have all that Jack Box and Carls Juniors and Inout and Watburger and what not that I hear people rave about.

Except that isn’t going to happen, at least, not to those in power if Donald Trump continues to be President. The rich will stay rich, the poor will get poorer, and the gap will continue to stretch at a more accelerated rate.

I’m a Bernie fan. I voted for him. He lost.

Now I will vote for Biden, even though I live in California.

You should too, Oklahoma or not. But you won’t. Because you like to pretend that will make a difference, and for guys like you, making yourself feel better is more important than anything else.

Congrats, you won’t vote for Joe Biden, and nobody will care. But you for damn sure can go grab a cookie from the cupboard and a toy from the prize chest and feel just ever so good about yourself.

You want to do something meaningful and good in the world? Answer the question I posted above, and then come back to me and Ill do what I can to help implement that.

But just so you know, for each day that passes under this Coronavirus thing, its making the idea of a general strike being an effective tool seem less and less like a viable option for change.

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Yeah but you got fucking Culvers, so don’t tell me you don’t know no fast food.

In Chicago, you have Harold’s Chicken Shack.

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So you haven’t had Banana Garlic Ice Cream with Oreo bits sprinkled on top?

And you call that living?

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I lived in South San Jose, pretty close to Gilroy. One year, we held a scavenger hunt during the garlic festival and one of the tasks was to drink a half bowl of melted garlic ice cream.

To this day, it is still one of the worst things I have ever put into my mouth.


Yeah I know, give me one sec. Don’t want you to think I’m hand-waving your posts itt.

Too many lols to go through, but if you think right of center senile rapist Joe 30330 Biden will do anything to assuage wealth inequality in this country, I don’t know what to tell you. Just fucking delusional.

So it is actually I who have not lived.


The delivery service is fully booked (Peapod). People with lower risk should leave the slots for people with higher risk. The stores opened up early for old people and some for other vulnerable non-old people. The exact same should apply for delivery services. If all of the dots moving around are the lowest n% to die, and the stationary dots are the highest 100-n%, then life is maximized. Currently, it’s the well-off and insomniacs getting delivery slots.

The system is overwhelmed because of demand from people trying to protect themselves, not demand from people practicing altruism. So, if you are low-risk and practicing the recommendations for mask wearing, social distancing, and disinfecting, you should do you own shopping, and probably get groceries for someone else who is more at risk than you as well.

In addition, these essential workers (delivery and in-store) should clearly be getting a large, permanent raise, as well as PPE, hazard pay, sick pay, and health care. That’s not going to come from $60 tips, but from regulation, unionization, and strikes. As workers get sick and start dying, there’s going to be a big problem.

Also curious about the proper tip amount.


There is only one question to answer. Who will be worse? Biden or Trump?

You do understand the concept of binary choice, yes?

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He’d sign most of the bills the House is passing.

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Grunching but this seems to be directed at me.

  1. I have two risk factors.

  2. My parents both have numerous risk factors.

  3. I tipped $30 on like $220 twice weeks ago, I’ll probably tip more. (Recommended normal tip is 5%)

  4. I anticipate a slowdown for me financially for months. I enter this as a hybrid of middle class (renter) and upper middle class (higher earner last year), when we come out there other side I may be a waiter or a grocery store clerk for a while. Depends if live poker comes back and if my normal game comes back.

  5. What do you suggest we do, vote for fucking Trump? Cause he’s really doing a bang up job of taking care of the working class through this pandemic!

This all really boils down to selfish babies gonna be selfish babies.

With class consciousness.