The morality and ethics of buying groceries during a pandemic

Guillotine. These fuckers should be banned for life. “We’re all in this together!”

Not directed at you ( I mentioned the service should be reserved for high risk customers).

Just know the company is making money hand over fist during this crisis, while not providing PPE, hazard pay, etc. They more than likely paid that shopper $7 for your order. They make it nearly impossible for anyone to claim their 14 day sick pay they so gleefully advertised and generally treat their contractors like scum.

I made the same point in the mega thread (even tagged you!) but that monstrosity moves a mile a minute. Healthy people using Instacart are basically the same as non-healthcare workers buying N95 masks on Amazon right now.

I agree with you on the shopping and I post in the finance thread. Theory bunked.

I think it was me who brought this up and it wasn’t flatly because I think it’s always wrong to be paying people to take this risk, it’s just that I think jman, who seems to believe it’s virtually a death sentence to step outside, was really cavalier about it. I definitely don’t think everyone getting deliveries is.


I’m basically broke I just like to gamble and most of my avenues for that are cut off FTR. I’m not trying to make money off this tragedy in the markets I’m just bored.

As far as groceries go I see why this is a debate but doing anything to mitigate your or others risk puts us all in the category of trying our best and that’s all we can do. I do think Instacart seems pretty scummy and would not be shocked if lots of those delivery people ended up dead. Is that less deaths than what a masked up person doing their own shopping every 3 weeks is responsible for killing. Who knows?

I’m not going to apologize for trying to protect my financial interests. I didn’t design a system where we have to rely on our own savings for retirement. It wasn’t strictly my fault I got laid off in the Great Recession and was out of work for 2.5 years and lost nearly all of our life savings (including retirement savings) and almost went bankrupt. And now we’re just getting to the point where it looked like we would recover and still retire at a reasonable age and this freaking thing hits. And I don’t have enough years left to lose everything again and still recover for a normal retirement.

I’m dealing within the system we have, not the system I wish we had.


Agree and good point.

Can confirm. I very much miss going to the grocery store a few times a week for my own groceries and making my own decisions when they’re out of something. I live alone, have been isolated for 4 weeks and 4 days, and have had 3-4 hours of face to face social interaction total in that time. It blows.

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I’m leaning toward it being more correct for me to do my own very careful shopping, but Los Angeles specifically asked people to not go shopping this week. We have plenty of food for now so will wait a bit.

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Similar for me. I graduated into the Great Recession in a cutthroat field. I was talented, but all the jobs that paid reasonable wages went to people with connections better than mine. I worked 2-3 jobs at a time, freelanced on the side, etc. I was taken advantage of by a few people and paid illegally low wages or flat out not paid for my services because they knew if I sued I would win the case but lose money in legal fees.

I emerged with credit card debt and went on Medicaid and shifted to poker, starting with a $300 bankroll and a negative net worth. It was another 1.5 years in my mid 20s living with my parents before I had saved up a bankroll and paid down my debts. It was until last year (I turned 33) that I felt everything was secure enough to really start saving for retirement, and spending a little extra on nice things (lower level seats to a Phillies game with my Dad, a $200 dinner out with a girl, etc). My last real vacation was 2017. Of course despite making enough money to benefit more from a Pete or a Biden on tax policy, I have donated to and supported candidates like Bernie, including at lower levels outside my district like Cisneros… Because it’s the right thing to do.

Meanwhile, on the other side of this I expect a long lull in live poker. No unemployment or SBA loans for me, either. Oh and if I catch coromavirus, my deductible is $8,350.

The guys I play poker with moved the entire amount of my IRA into the markets to “nibble” at something in a small play. For me, if I get it in at a decent price point and don’t touch it and it works out I could have enough to retire on at 60. Then if/when things go back to normal if I still have a career, I can start saving up for a house.

I don’t expect social security to be there for me, I don’t expect the government to help me if poker dies from this, and I don’t expect my healthcare costs to come down.

Like Jbro said. This is the system we have, and depending on each person’s circumstances, they have to make the best moves to secure their retirement and basic life needs. That includes making wise investment decisions during a pandemic, and ripping on people for trying to protect and/or build their nest egg is unfair.

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I wonder how long I would be good for alone. I feel like I would be fine, and I don’t really ever mind being alone, but I’ve basically never lived alone (part of one summer session in college only) in a house/apartment and almost never even had my own room.

Libertarian Right square itt

When I worked in a lab years ago and had a shift that started early Saturday morning I was talking to one of the third-shifters as she was getting ready to go. After a minute or so it dawned on her and she told me that she hadn’t even heard her own voice all week because she lived alone, slept while everyone else was working, then worked the night shift essentially by herself. Totally blew my mind. I know I wouldn’t be able to do that for an extended period of time.

Redacted for privacy.

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I’m only mad at jman.

My whole twenty dollar tip makes the delivery driver significantly better paid than the grocery store employee whom you apparently give two shits about.

This whole argument is stupid. There are pros and cons to both sides that have already been argued. The reality is there is very little difference / impact.

But please let is pick and choose which menial laborers we feel bad about.


I feel bad about the solar power installers. menial?


Damn right bràthair