The Leftovers (now with spoilers and 100% more Watchmen)

I assume you guys are talking about the Twin Peaks recent remake.

Yeah it was bad. I didnā€™t care about any of the characters. Puzzles and mysteries arenā€™t substitutes for actually engaging the audience with the characters and their conflicts.

The show ignores what is apparently the central relationship, between Mr. Manhattan and his wife, for like the first eight episodes. Then it reveals that they met and fell in love ā€“ telling us this in an exposition dump ā€“ years earlier? The show completely ignores Cal for the whole fucking season! And all of the sudden weā€™re supposed to care about his and the main ladyā€™s relationship because, why? Heā€™s some blue guy with super powers? Who gives a shit? Like you might not experience time in a linear fashion my dude, but the rest of us do and your time-liberating superpowers do not give the storyteller the license to neglect to show us why the relationship between Cal and Abar is compelling.

Alright just finished The Leftovers. I rate itā€¦ decent?? Itā€™s def not one of my favorites. I can understand why itā€™s so critically acclaimed though (music, story-telling, loaded w/ symbolism). Iā€™ll probably have that departed score in my head for a while (the one they play every episode).

Itā€™s been weeks since I finished The Leftovers and I still think about the show and have the theme in my head a lot. I donā€™t think I appreciated it enough while watching because I just binged it in the matter of days but after itā€™s ended and having sat on it for a while and thought about it more I can understand why people rate it as one of the top shows ever. Iā€™m definitely going to need to watch it again at some point. Itā€™s weird though I canā€™t even explain much about why I like it so muchā€¦ I just somehow do? Maybe that speaks to the ā€˜artā€™ of the show?


Would you or anyone else be interested in watching this anew and commenting on each episode? Our recent X-Files thread is the gold standard.

Episode 1ā€¦engage.

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You did not tell me this was Aunt Lydiaā€™s origin story.


I might try and start a rewatch of this. In the middle of Sopranos S5 with my better half. Finishing S1 of BSG on my own. Surely I have room for one more.

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BSG is a great one to re-watch. Damn, tempting to do that one. That first season especially is intense.

This was about as pleasant as a wet fart.

On to episode two!

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Three episodes in. This show so good. Canā€™t wait for Regina King to enter.

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Third episode one of the all time greats. That is the one that fully sucked me in.

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Yeah this is the one where I was like ā€œokay maybe this is good after all!!!ā€

Iā€™m tapping out. I made it to season two yesterday and my partner came in and we essentially had this conversation, except I didnā€™t ask for more.

I will watch this again right now though. I would sacrifice something important to get season two with Regina King back for the role the finale promised.

So I did indeed switch to Watchmen. I followed the coverage of this but couldnā€™t spark the interest to watch it on the first run.

Dumb decision. This is what I wanted Leftovers to be like. On ep6 now and had to force myself to turn it off and do some work. This is a show that delivers on execution regardless of twists or spoilers.

Hard to believe Regina King has been delivering one great performance after another for so many years. I hope Damon or someone else finds a way to pick up the show for a second limited series and show what happens to her character.


Itā€™s really excellent. But I think Damon is done with it.

Heā€™s just tired. He hasnā€™t had a moment to relax in a long time. He has a stack of books and movies and friends and family waiting for him.

But heā€™s a born storyteller, and this is one of his best stories of all time. After a chance to breathe, I think heā€™ll feel the itch in 2021 and either executive producer someone elseā€™s idea or come back with his own season two that subverts our expectations as masterfully as season one.