The Leftovers (now with spoilers and 100% more Watchmen)

Handmaids Tale and then Mindhunter. You’ll know soon enough if you like either of them.

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You killed my father. Prepare to die.

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The Leftovers is elite. Really great acting, bizarre premise that never really gets resolved, and some truly unique and strange subplots. The best way I can think to describe it is “A Meditation on Grief”. The first season is especially bleak and depressing, but we made it through (although we didn’t watch it in the middle of a global pandemic).

We watched it before Watchmen to get our Lindelof juices going. I never saw Lost, but from what I gather, a lot of plot points are never resolved in it either. If you go in knowing you aren’t getting answers to a lot of the “supernatural” elements and are fine with it, jump in. It’s miles better than anything else you listed.


Either this show got really good after I stopped watching or this is some sort of survivorship bias, where the only people left watching are ones who liked the first season.

The show changed pretty drastically from S1 to S2

yea I only made it 4 or 5 eps, no way am I going to try again.

I can’t help it if you guys aren’t interested in challenging art.

Your mother’s brother Ned was also a philistine.

I mean Lindelof is an absolute hack. Lost, Star Trek into Darkness, Prometheus. Straight garbage. I have no idea how he managed to convince the critics that Leftovers and that Mr. Manhattan show were good but well done I guess. Yachts don’t pay for themselves.

i would be overjoyed to rewatch twin peaks s1, s2 up until laura palmer’s killer is revealed, skip to the last 2 episodes of s2, then fire walk with me, then s3, then s3 again but with additional commentary and perspective on s3 and the show as a whole

maybe like wednesday evenings 9pm EST


I knew beetlejuice would appear for Twin Peaks. I didn’t really like S3, I don’t know if I’ll ever watch it again while the first two seasons have a ton of rewatchability

If I have you as a guide, I will finally give this a shot

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I consider the first episode of Twin Peaks season one to be the cultural and artistic high point of Western culture.

I also bailed after the first six episodes of The Leftovers but was nagged at relentlessly by Mrs S until I finally went back to it, and I was so glad I did. The second season is top notch

So this is like Lost in reverse? Instead of an irresistible opening that slowly diminishes into one of the most laughable endings of all time, Leftovers starts with one of the worst seasons and slowly grows into the GOAT?

I mean I wouldn’t consider it the best ever but it was unlike anything else, and whilst the ending wasn’t for everybody I thought they nailed it.

Confession: I never actually watched a single minute of Lost, I took against it because of all the hype and have stood by my decision ever since

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Wait you think Watchmen was bad? Hottest take of the year. I mean you’re embarrassingly wrong, but I admire the courage.

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A helpful insight. Much thanks. Perhaps I just don’t like the characters. A story is an excuse to spend time with them. But neither are enough to persuade me.

Your persistence is enough though that I will put it on after Queen’s Gambit and see if a passive viewing while I work helps me get to the good stuff.

Safe to say if you don’t like S2, don’t bother watching S3. But I don’t know anyone that dislikes 2.

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Can I just watch a recap of s1? I am special in that if you tell me a few pieces of a character’s backstory, my imagination fills in the rest as though I’ve seen it. I explore that space on my own with emotional significance.

I really don’t want to watch the episodes that even uberfans of the show ITT are describing as worth it to slog through. Lol at that.

One thing I would add about Handmaid‘s Tale is to do yourself the favor and watch when you can really focus on it and do not text/ check news or whatever you can do on the side.
It has lots of long takes with close-ups of characters where you see little action but their reaction to events and you will miss some superb acting if you focus on something else.