The Great Resignation: Remote workplaces and the future of work

Also useless if they’re not specifying mean vs median. A CEO type in that poll “demanding” $3M or something offsets a lot of clerical workers looking for $40k or something.

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Five 5-minute rounds for all the marbles plz.

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I like how he’s contradicting the sign he’s standing in front of and looks so proud of. If that was intentional by the editors, well done.


I am too also motivated to work hard so that an abstract, probably already richer than me person can make more money for doing, in what, in comparison to me, seems like nothing and not, you know, my paycheck.


It doesn’t say they care about employees.

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If killing people with deadly lemonade doesn’t motivate you, I don’t know what will.

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How rotted out must your brain be to actual have real human thoughts that this is some bad thing.

I fucking hate this country


It’s not just the $100,000-and-up salary jobs that are being phased out of flexible work arrangements. In 2020, about 62% of all U.S. office jobs were remote, which crashed down to 12% by 2023, according to a report earlier this year from Ringover, a British telecom firm.

I would have taken the over on 12% easy.

The more interesting question is how many of the 50% that were lost could 100% do their work remotely with no problems, and companies are just insisting on people being in office… just fucking because.

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The cruelty is the point.

Not kidding; employers (or just people) just absolutely love that they have the control/power to suck from other people’s lives. It’s just injecting themselves with the blood of infants in a different form. Zero-sum mentality at work…”If they lose, I win”. It gives them dopamine.

I had a meeting with a previous employer who almost literally said that.

Cliffs: Many humans just suck.


One factor is that despite likely having taken business 101 at some point in their lives most executives don’t understand that unused office space is a sunk cost.

I got forced back into the office because a VP was upset that the bathrooms weren’t cleaned enough and made us come back to I guess justify resuming full custodial services. This is the guy making billion dollar decisions.

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My company has definitely shifted away from remote. Even within same team we have have a mix of hybrid and remote. But once hired hybrid you cant go remote. Even though i have been remote for 12 plus years I will probably have to leave my company to make use of my degree. I wont be able to have sort of development type job otherwise. 17 years with my company, but will probably start the job hopping game soon. It makes way too much sense for my wallet.

It really just comes down to our animal nature.


I swear I became radicalized at my last serving job after we switched POS systems from the nicest software in the industry to some dog shit, all because the executives of the company wanted a standardized system for looking at everything, because we opened a location in another country and the old software wouldn’t work there.

They basically fucked over 200 people because some guy didn’t want to have to open a few extra spreadsheets.

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These fucking dinosaurs


Fucking weirdo assholes. The asshole employers warped view writ into law.

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