The Great Resignation: Remote workplaces and the future of work

He’s not the weird one in this interaction.


Nah being stressed about not having work is some Puritanical brainwashing shit found in America. Ain’t your job to find work. Collect your paycheck while posting on UP and doing whatever.


lol I’m basically the opposite of Suzzer. Have nothing to do for hours, love it, and then get absolutely enraged when someone expects me to do one little thing.


I like what I do. It puts me into flow state and makes me forget about whatever is bothering me.

Think about a baseball player. They want to play, not sit on the bench.

This guy suggests flow state is one of the paths to happiness. A lot clicked for me when I watched this video.

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Don’t kink shame.

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So you’re basically a house cat?


Cats are fkin geniuses.


When I reach out to pet my daughter’s approaching cat…


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Suzzer out here living my dream and hating it while I go to work 6 days a week and am miserable. Life is funny.


Ugh. Doing what?

If I had a $billion I would be writing the book and doing some kind of programming hobby on the side. One of the big revelations for me when I took my 7 month trip was I missed programming.

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Doing nothing is vastly overrated by those who haven’t spent a lot of time doing nothing. Doing something bad is worse than doing nothing, but as suzzer correctly points out doing something worthwhile is vastly superior to doing nothing.


Doing nothing is a very good way to let your brain turn to mush in your 60s. Lots of studies show strong evidence that challenging your body and brain staves of dementia/alzheimers. I think about that a lot.

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I don’t want to do nothing nothing. I just want to do exactly what I want, exactly whenever I want.

Is that really so much to ask?


Yeah. I think we need a definition of “doing nothing” here.

I’m a poker dealer at a chronically understaffed and grossly mismanaged room. Humbly I’m damn good at my job, genuinely enjoy it, and make way more money than I should, but the scheduling and absolute complete lack of respect from the upper management is destroying my morale. We’ve lost so many excellent supervisors and dealers over the past year due solely to the actions of the director of the room.

Oh and I was hired as part time almost two years ago, and get scheduled 6+ days a week regularly.

/end rant


For “doing nothing” I mostly have in mind the people who brag about spending all day watching youtube or reading reddit, etc. I sympathize with the desire, and in fact did that myself for several years! But it’s a mistaken view of happiness to think that the good life amounts to the life of maximum pleasure.

They’re opening a new room in Ocala, FL, and I hear that dealing in the clubs in Texas is very lucrative - if you’re open to relocating.

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I lied. Forgot to mention how the directors decisions to run events we are never properly staffed for has led to many, many weeks with back to back 12+ hr shifts where we might get one break. The whole while fielding bitching tournament assholes who think its our (dealers) fault the room is not staffed properly. Makes for a really fun work environment.

I saw a reddit antiwork post recently about how bosses view employees as property, not as team members. That resonated deeply with me.

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I’d just play chess, poker, and bridge all day. Is that good enough?