The Great Resignation: Remote workplaces and the future of work

So my group is managed by a guy working remote who reports to a guy working remote who reports to our CEO, who is in the office about half the time.

Of course all three are pushing mandatory back to the office.

For themselves too or just you guys?

Of course not themselves. Duh.

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Unreal. Obviously itā€™s always been one rule for the ruled and no rules for the rulers but now they arenā€™t even pretending anymore. Another piece of the techno-feudalism puzzle is the attitude shift. For a short while there was the idea that even though the rich get special treatment weā€™re all fundamentally the same. Canā€™t wait for the divine right of kings to come back as the divine right of property owners.

I kinda wish we could get back to the days where the expectation of an executive was that they just got all their expenses covered and had to do about 20 hours a week of actual work, 10 of which happens on a golf course.

In exchange for that, they got paid about 20x their average employee rather than 300x. Itā€™s a better system for everybody.

Got a friend looking to move from his current job to fully remote. Got an interview with a company and they want him to do a background check prior to the interview/offer. They also wont answer if the background check people will contact his current employer.

Absolute no go, right?

Seems like a giant red flag.

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No way

Background check before the interview? WTF?

Piling on, but 0.0% chance of agreeing to that trashbag nonsense.

Yeah, he had a 20 minute with their HR team to verify he met the qualifications, but before he meets with the hiring manager they are asking for a background check. He heard back this morning that it does not include employment verification or reference checks

this is common for government agencies and some contracts. but he really shouldnā€™t have to agree to that if he has 5-10 years of continuous employment somewhere, and the story doesnā€™t have glaring gaps or weird positions

I didnā€™t realize Howard Schultz was back at Starbucks. Apparently they havenā€™t mandated corporate drones return to office but lol at this mindset.

ā€œI have been unsuccessful, despite everything Iā€™ve tried to do, to get our people back to work," Schultz, 69, said. ā€œIā€™ve pleaded with them. I said Iā€™ll get on my knees. Iā€™ll do push-ups. Whatever you want. Come back.ā€

He continued: ā€œNo, they are not coming back at the level I want them to. And, you know, weā€™re a very collaborative, creative group. I realize Iā€™m an old-school person, and this is a different generation.ā€



Iā€™ll do literally anything you want except that one thing that actually matters.

Howard, maybe something fun will work. Like a dunk tank or a Lunch With Howard raffle!

I think in that particular case he was talking about getting corporate employees to go back to the office, not hiring retail level staff? Maybe I misinterpreted it.

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:notes:But I wonā€™t do that
No I wonā€™t do that


if you are unfortunate enough to have the bad taste i do and still go inside a starbucks, youā€™ll likely notice how little of a shit the employees give compared to even a few years ago. good for them, both my sisters worked there - it was one of those cultures where they try to trick you with camaraderie and stuff into being way underpaid. that wonā€™t fly anymore in todayā€™s world, people need to eat

I wonder if part of the reason for that is that 90% of the customers now order online and just grab and go. It really changed the culture of Starbucks when they made that switch imo.

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The introverts have won.