The Great Resignation: Remote workplaces and the future of work


Dear Company President,

It appears someone has hacked your email account and sending out emails that make you look like an insecure moran.



Put it on linkedin. With some click bait comment like “agree?”

I have a job open in my team and half the applicants are people that changed jobs last year and are looking to change again. It’s catching on that if you stay with a company you get a pay increase less than inflation and if you move you get a big bump. Executives at my company are perplexed and offended that workers are doing this to them. I THOUGHT THEY LOVED US!?!?!?! This, of course, coming from people that spent years to decades justifying completely toxic work load and compensation practices because, hey, our turnover metrics are at market level so it’s fine.


Rant Part 2.

These fucking executives live with permanent tennis elbow from constantly patting themselves on the back about how their brilliant insights, inspirational leadership, and flawless decision making led to so much personal and company success. But a slight disruption of the long standing power imbalance between management and labor has them all scrambling and has generated hundreds of articles about this One Weird Trick where people that quit are better off. Maybe, just maybe, the wealthy class in the West got that way through exploitation and not through excellence?


I have a friend in banking that works at a large bank. They said they are just trading workers back and forth with other big banks and every one gets a 40k pay raise


This is how it’s always worked in programming. Hire a junior dev for $60k. After 1-2 years they’re worth $100k+. But you can’t give them a raise that big or it will upset the apple cart. So off they go. Similar dynamic for 3rd job but with less % pay bump.

Yup. I don’t think I can get a $40K pay raise but I check LinkedIn regularly just to see if my exact job has opened up somewhere else, and you can be damned sure I will apply and ask for $40k more just to see what happens. I actually really like my current job all things considered but I am also in Fuck You Pay Me mode. Why wouldn’t I be? Someone else is going to get it if I don’t take it. That’s another thing here that is sad, the current market is “good for workers”, but not for workers that get duped into thinking their boss really cares about them and will take care of them if push comes to shove. The executive class labor market has been rewarding sociopaths for years to decades, now that same reward system is trickling down to other workers. But a system that involves desperate hirers and candidates selected largely on their persuasiveness in interviews disproportionately helps assholes and hurts nice people. Thankfully I am an asshole.

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For a standard white collar office job, non-tech, where the position will be fully remote and the interview is done on Zoom/Teams, still wear a shirt and tie? In office dress is business casual to casual.

Yeah personally for any white-collar job I’d do shirt/tie for the interview itself.

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I think that’s reasonable. Last year when I was interviewing I just wore a collared shirt and that was fine, the interviewers were wearing t shirts and hoodies, lol.

I would, if only because the effort to do so is very low.

Yes but pants are optional.


All of the above. Ive got a giant neck so I stick to sweaters, but yeah, dress up a little.

And take notw what they are wearing for interview one. If you have an interview 2 do a bit of mirroring.

Thanks all!

Shirt and tie it is for the 1st round at least.

Pants or no pants though?

no pants


Have you ever WFHed before?

Tie seems excessive to me.

It’s fine either way I think. The people we interview often are dressing in business attire for Zoom interviews, I don’t think it looks “bad”. But a good rule of thumb is to dress slightly more formally than the people interviewing you. So a normal every day workplace that is business casual, you would put on a suit to go in and interview. If people interviewing you are wearing t shirts and hoodies, then just put on a button up shirt and it’s fine. If you’re interviewing for a CEO position, wear a top hat and monocle I guess.

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