The Great Resignation: Remote workplaces and the future of work

A salaried employee. More specifically an ex salaried employee

Spoiler. I was the employee

Update. I was given a list of my PTO taken for the year. They have me at 40 hours too much. I track my time. I’m at 10 hours over.

A few weeks ago I worked 39 hours and 50 minutes

I got charged 0.10 hours of PTO

so i put in resignation today. Adios


Way to go. That is absurd. Way better companies out there.

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Finally! What was their reaction when you quit?

What would happen if you work 40 hours and 10 minutes?

Did you get any credit if you went over 40 in a week?

strong text[quote=“Rugby, post:393, topic:5274, full:true”]
What would happen if you work 40 hours and 10 minutes?

I get no OT. I worked 8 hours on a Sunday. Required. Worked 40 hours. Took Friday off

8 hours PTO

RIVERMAN. He knew it was coming. I went ape when they sent me that email of PTO overages

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Missed 0.17 hours, sounds like you got a break.

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Yeah. Fuck that. They cant have it both ways. Definitely quit.

A similar thing happened to me at my old job. Here’s how that went down -

My old job didn’t do a very good job of managing PTO. In fact, I asked numerous times about when PTO actually renewed. Was it the first of the year, or your hire date? Nobody could give me an answer. And it was self managed for 6 years and nobody really cared that much.

THen, ownership changes signifcantly, and they went back to my hire date (7 years ago) and calculated all of the PTO I had accumulated and how much I had taken and I was in a deficit of 40 hours. However, during this time, our new business manager had started changing time sheets (we were salaried but kept time sheets for project success purposes) so that if you worked like 45 hours in a week and took 5 hours of PTO, he’d cancel the PTO and just put you down to 40 hours to save your PTO.

Well, the new ownership didn’t account for this over the last 7 years, so all of those weeks that I had 5 or 60 hours on my timecard but also had PTO didn’t matter. They just decided I used the PTO even though I went way over my normal 40 hours. So I went back to my start date and looked at all of the weeks I worked over 40 hours and also used PTO and found out that I actually had about 80 hours of PTO available. But, they wouldn’t budge, and said they weren’t going to go back through everybody’s time and determine how many hours they worked over in a week that contained PTO.

So, I also got a new job that has a shit pile of PTO and sick time.

Fuck them, and fuck any company that fucks over their employees.

Good for you for quitting.


They actually made me pay back like 10 hours of PTO when I quit.

But fuck them. They’re going to be moving offices in december and they’re going to need my help. I’m charging them $125/hr for it. I should be charging more, probably.

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You have to clock in and out?

For at least the last 30 years, losing employees was no big deal. Managers always had a stack of resumes if someone displeased them. Manager would be more likely to be in trouble for bending rules than making a drone quit.

In this case, I’m pretty sure the partner that got to that position was because he’s the nephew of another of the partners.

They absolutely refused to meet my ask for a raise for several years, even when presented with the fact that my peers I went to school with were making the same or more than me and had way better benefits.

I live in the capital of WA state. My firm didn’t seem to grasp that private sector jobs needed to pay more than public sector jobs to make up for the benefits.

The last time I asked them for a raise and presented my argument they suggested that if I felt that way I should take a public sector job, which I now have.

Instead of working 50 hour weeks I’m doing about 15 hours of actual work a week, and I never, ever, ever get calls or important emails after hours. I managed to take a 10 days vacation in August and never once had to worry about work. I used to have to carry my laptop everywhere at my old job. Like I never had a vacation in 7 years where I didn’t do some work. They weren’t paying me enough to be on call 365/7.


Yeah, I went about 5 years in my current job without ever totally disconnecting until I took 2 weeks this summer and told them I’m not logging in and don’t call me unless lives are in danger. But they have treated me fantastic, promoted me 4 times, given me several retention bonuses, and twice gave me salary adjustments outside of the promotions and annual review salary increases. No way I would have put up with nickel and dime bullshit and being constantly available if they were not hooking me up with the juice.

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Yeah, if they treated me right I would have stayed. I liked the job and I really liked my coworkers.

When I was asking for a raise and trying to determine their expectations, I gave them a hypothetical -

“What is the firm’s expectation if I’m at DisneyLand with my family and the fileserver crashes?” and the response was that they would expect me to come back immediately, but they would pay for the flight and give me back the PTO. That was the real nail in the coffin, especially after the previous convo I had with them about PTO and me being short 40 hours after 7 years. Like if you want that kind of service and response, $75k/yr isn’t going to cut it.


It’s truly astonishing. Heavily productive white collar employees are incredibly valuable to any organization, yet they almost all nickel and dime on comp and inevitably just give them more work when the terrible people under perform.

Inevitably the person eventually complains, asks for more money or both, and either gets a new job or gets labeled “difficult.” Then the company pays a recruiter like 50% of their salary to hire someone worse.

Lol corporate america


JFC try closer to $75k/month for that kind of dedication. I would tell these guys $250/hr or bite me for support during the move. And also you want your 10 hours PTO that they stole paid back. (Unless of course you really need the extra cash and don’t want to lose a pissing contest.)

The high standards I see among workers these days post wfh are weird. I am worried about how angry people are going to be once the labor market goes back to normal. I have no hope of getting a job half as good as you guys are turning your noses up at and I have an engineering masters.

Yes lol

It’s a shit show

But I got to stare at the ceiling for days and get paid so whatever.

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