The Great Resignation: Remote workplaces and the future of work

People don’t like innovations that make them redundant.

Tough shit. Welcome to capitalism boomer.


Speaking of. I had a nightmare last night that it was my first day at IBM - getting shown the ropes, shown my cube, had to dress in a suit and tie, meeting a bunch of sales assholes. Absolutely terrifying.

I snuck out after like an hour and went home. And then the dream got weird where they still thought I was working there and I couldn’t even remember where my desk was.

Does this mean you constantly have a zoom room open with audio and video on with your team? That sounds worse than being in an office.


I work for a tax software company. Imagine a zoom room where we constantly have music playing. We BS all day like we are in the office. We are basically T3 tech support and constantly swarm issues as a team. The collaboration and bond is way better. Cameras only mandated when we have like “team meeting” once a week.

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Yeah. When I read the initial description, the whole thing sounded like a Jeffrey Toobin situation just waiting to happen.

If everybody’s doing it, not as much of a problem.


I’ve worked in cubicles and open office briefly and I preferred the cubicles. The worst design I worked at was a small non profit and the main pathway was this like of S pattern with every bend of the S having a desk so everyone had to walk by everyone’s desk every time they went to do anything.

My last office style job was at a dental lab making copings for crowns. It was 4 of us all facing each other at our desk/work stations. I wanted to stab myself in the eyes with one of the tools daily. Bible talk all day and then when I listened to headphones and ignored them I was the asshole. A cubicle sounds just as bad tbh but I would have loved one then.

I got a high school acquaintance high on lunch break with another girl I worked with there who I graduated with. He got busted somehow and snitched on both me and her for getting him high. We both got fired for “unsatisfactory performance” even though both of us had just got decent raises for how well we were doing and that dipshit kept his job. Fuck that office politic bullshit.

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Just tell them your favorite verse is Genesis 19:32.

It was all good. I applied to be a driver delivering crowns and dentures and molds around to dentist offices and did so well on their aptitude test they give every applicant they made me be a lab worker. My friend drove for another lab in town and did about what I did when I ran parts for auto stores. Barely work and do all the errands I needed to do throughout the day. Running parts was the easiest. Go home and bang my gf and smoke a bong bowl. Show up back at the parts store an hour later, grab a part and deliver it. Take the long way back getting high again, etc.


Last dream I had I was fighting off a snake. I ended up sending my half drunk glass of wine flying across the room. Wife made a wise decision getting plastic wine glasses for every day use.





You made me look it up now

fighting with a snake dream

Edit to add - And now I’ve gone down a rabbit hole of hell

I got a question for you all.

Let’s say your boss closes the office on a Friday to do server updates. Can’t even work from home.

One employee has 0 PTO left because they weren’t expecting this.

Boss says you can work an extra 8 hours earlier in the week or take Friday unpaid

Is that person and hourly employee or a salary employee?

i mean it sounds like he is an hourly employee then, if its salaried he should be getting paid regardless imo

I don’t understand why employees should have to use PTO if the employer is closing the workplace. That’s like counting Sundays as vacation days if you work at Chik-fil-a.


That person is somebody that should take the opportunity of having Friday off to burn the place down.


Ehh ya, I obviously accounted for this downtime and worked 2 extra hours each day this week to even it out boss :wink: Like gfy