The Great Resignation: Remote workplaces and the future of work

25 min one way is below average:

Census Bureau Estimates Show Average One-Way Travel Time to Work Rises.

Maybe so. That just means 75% of people have a hellish commute.

Iā€™m at 32 minutes each way. It blows.

Anyone spending 6.25% of their waking hours commuting to a shitty office is still too much.

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Iā€™ve worked with people who drove 2 hours each way. I always suspected they hated their home life and their car is their sanctuary.

Some of our offshore workers in Chennai spent 3+ hours in traffic each way. To go like 40 miles lol

Iā€™m with you guys. That amount of commute really, really sucks, especially for me. But apparently, most people tolerate it.

Apparently in Europe, average is 38 min. So weā€™ve got it pretty good. Supposedly.

Looking into it a bit further, apparently average commute time is one thing that USA might actually be #1 at (or close).

No sane person would willfully choose that unless itā€™s their only option. It probably doesnā€™t help that I drive a shitty 2009 Honda Civic with barely working AC lol. I just donā€™t drive enough to justify a car payment.

I assume they werenā€™t driving themselves. Were they?

But is a higher fraction of that public transportation?

Aka, working from home

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Are you driving clear highways just focused on listening to music/podcasts or are you bumper to bumper with assholes?

Edit: I just seen the editā€¦ Relaxing is better.

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Seriously, Iā€™m chuckling at people who think 20 minutes is a long commute.

I didnā€™t think I minded commuting until I started working from home and having meaningful time with my kids before and after school.

This for sure. Im able to add a workout into my day as well and not feel like total shit

My commute before Covid was 2 - 2 1/2 hrs each way. I ainā€™t going back to that.

Iā€™m sure it is, but commute is commute as far as Iā€™m concerned. It all sucks no matter who is doing the driving.

Holy shit. Thatā€™s nuts. 5 days a week?

Strong disagree here. Iā€™d much rather take a subway than be on a congested highway.


It used to take me 25 minutes to make it 3 miles of backstreets through Cambridge to the highway, and then I only had another 67 miles to home. Working from home full time is a dream.

Yeah, long commutes by public transportation arenā€™t terrible. Sleep, read, maybe do some email, surf the interwebs, etc. For years I had a 1+ hour commute each way but never got fed up with it because 40-45 mins of it was sitting on a train and the rest was a short walk. I would never drive 1+ hour.

Nearly every morning I would zonk out for 25-30 mins. It refreshed me for the day in a way that 25-30 mins extra sleep never does.

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I agree that part of my opinion comes from my personal idiosyncrasies. Nevertheless, in my car, Iā€™m in a perfectly climate-controlled environment, in a comfortable seat, and I can listen to whatever I want. Itā€™s not hard to imagine a subway commute less pleasant than that. The downside is I have to pay attention to drive. I donā€™t think there is a clear winner, but maybe thatā€™s just me.