The Great Resignation: Remote workplaces and the future of work

Desperately trying to make it seem like the workplace is not the cartoonish soul destroying hellscape that it obviously is. Should work!

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Saw that, was going back three days now on strike until I get a motherfuckin beehive


I can dig in the dirt at home.

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lol, at the office that I intend to only work at if Iā€™m meeting co-workers for lunch or if out of town co-workers are there, now has a hive. The naming contest for the queen landed on ā€œBeeonyceā€. I do not miss the office.


Just lol at offices. Jesus Christ. Like if you want one because your house is chaos I get it, fine, that makes sense. But bosses herding people back to justify their existence while shouting ā€œlook a beehive - wellnessā€ is so insulting.

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I honestly have no idea what the middle manager I report to does all day. He has no technical skills, I donā€™t get any work from him (I do from the project manager), we do our 1/2 hour one on one every 2 weeks, he presumably justā€¦ sits around until one of his other one on ones show up? I guess?

Youā€™re so naĆÆve. The middle manager obviously proactively circles back with others to establish synergies so the team can effectively pivot to the new normal and capture low hanging fruit by thinking outside the box while reaching out to key stakeholders and advocating for an agile approach to optimizing bandwidth utilization while aligning outcomes to broader digitization goals.


Seriously grue, do you even circle back? When was the last time you pinged someone to find out their bandwidth? Donā€™t judge until youā€™ve walked a mile in the middle managerā€™s shoes. Those action items arenā€™t going to delegate themselves.

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The beehive is tempting, I have to admit. Still, Iā€™m holding out for a Macaw.


I just donā€™t think that @grue is middle management material.


Not enough buzzwords imo


Pre pandemic I was about 80-90% office (when not traveling). WFH maybe once a week on average. Always said my ideal would be about half and half. Maybe 75% WFH. Being 100% WFH has absolutely confirmed this for me. Maybe Iā€™ve been fortunate to be on fun teams and sit with people I really enjoy, but I miss office collegiality. Just not enough to want to commute there 4x weekly.

Commute hell? In Indy?

I have a buddy that commutes from Carmel to Downtown and itā€™s like 25 min door to door.

Itā€™s not as bad as other major metros, but they currently have the major highway I have to take shut down for the next 18 months for construction. That means me and every other poor soul has to deal with semi trucks blocking intersections trying to take a detour through downtown. Itā€™s fucking miserable and I hate it. I hate driving anyway so this is just a cherry on top.

50 minutes a day is a lot

People brag about having a 25 minute commute in LA

Thatā€™s like just about my absolute limit. My personal tolerance for commuting is quite low. Having said that, when I hear ā€œcommute hellā€, less than an hour round trip is definitely not the description that comes to mind.

But it is :)

Riffing off this I have narrowed my list of people we should get rid of down to 5 groups.

  1. Someone that thinks they can beat the light and end up blocking off the entire perpendicular group from being able to go causing a backup.

  2. People that standing DIRECTLY in front of baggage claim. Just take a step back so everyone can see!

  3. Conservative talk radio hosts and their listeners

  4. Republicans (this is probably redundant)

  5. People that cook popcorn every single day at 11:00am in a small office and burn it.

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