The Great C-Word Referendum - A Poll

Grunching this thread to share this story from last night. I got back in town from Alaska and went to my favorite sushi restaurant, I was really out of it from ~14 hours of traveling starting with a flight that left at 1:30am, so I wasn’t really paying attention to much that was going on around me, just chatting with the bar tender and the folks sitting next to me. One of the waitresses stops by the bar to pick up drinks and tells us that one of the Trump daughters was here. Sure enough it’s Laura Trump at a table in the back of the restaurant with several dudes and a secret service guy failing to look inconspicuous. After a few minutes they finish and leave and the waitress comes back and I ask her what she was like, and without hesitation she says, “she was a fucking ■■■■■■


I’m not sure what I like more - the story or the write-up, but both are brilliant.


I know you’re probably not trying to, but you’re really not helping.


Random question. Would you consider yourself an ideologue?

Why will it be funny? I don’t get the logic either.

The question seems legit based on Wookie’s claim.

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Because posters we don’t like get banned under any pretences, and then we just make up a justification after the fact, ldo.

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Yeah that doesn’t really relate to anything i was trying to say.

Sorry. I just saw “Wookie” and saw red.

I guess I can disclose my own PM’s. Don’t say I didn’t try.

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apologies, grunching, to be clear the poll is only for that one word right?

i realized as i’m scrolling i’m getting more confused

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i’m kinda regretting not keeping up with ■■■■■■■■

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omg it already happened

And the Lord God said, yo dog, watcheth your mouth, and it was good.

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OR WAS IT [dun dun dun…]


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yo discourse helper, watcheth your mouth

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get a load of this fucking honkey


It was painful to my head. Consider yourself lucky