The Great C-Word Referendum - A Poll

whatever the result is, can we all agree that any additional threads about the c-word is a permanban worthy offense?


Where was this poll? Bc this is the only other one on this issue that I remember and there’s no reference in the question to anyone being banned

“moderated” in the response option can mean a bunch of things and is not exclusive to bans. The use of a filter is a form of moderation and would have seem to be covered in the original question.

Surprised by Marty’s vote btw.

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Why, in God’s name, would you want to rehash this every month or quarter?

I’m going to leave this poll up for a few more hours and then close it. IMO 24 hours is far more than enough and we got a lot of engagement on this poll. If anyone disagrees, now is the time to voice it.


Was it you who made a point recently that the first poll didn’t have enough engagement? I apologize if that wasn’t you. (It had essentially the same number of voters as this poll.)

Think jmakin said 24h so my time is up. Give me my first modding since i started posting.

So…no hard feelings to anyone i was probably leaving soon anyway because the trump years have worn me out politically. I need a long break from politics. This country…Same thing happened to me after no one cared about the second golf war, which was really the same war we have been in since the nineties.

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for creating a good informative site in trying times. Even if its full of assholes. I kid.

Take care and dont view unless you are a horse.


Keed wanted this poll because the first one was buried in the C-word thread, which no one should have to read. I said I would create another one so I did. Since we don’t have any real rules on what constitutes a legally binding community poll, I’m just kind of spitballing here. I think this poll’s results look pretty clear though and instructs what we should do going forward.

I really hope you consider changing your mind at some point.


Polls like this should be up for a week imo - not everyone gets to visit for long on Fri/Sat.


do we really want to sit around and argue this for a week? I’m fine with leaving it up - it’s no skin off my back. But I doubt the results are going to change.

No one is being forced to keep posting once they have voted and/or expressed their opinion.

Closing the poll is not necessarily going to stop the arguing. Plus if the poll never closes, nobody can never leave.


Welcome to the Hotel California.


Take care brother - come back any time.


I really enjoy your posting and hope you enjoy your break and come back refreshed.


This seems over to me - even if we leave it open, I don’t see this deficit being overcome. It’s nearly filibuster proof.

I didn’t really get this at the time, and I thought about it, but I fear this is Keeed’s last post.

Keed is about, but he’s not happy with the current state of affairs. He PM’d me.

Well, I hope he doesn’t leave. I know a lot of people are unhappy now for a lot of different reasons. It’s hard.

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Without disclosing PMs, I think that might be hard. He’s gone for a couple of weeks at least.

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