The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting


rofl he’s got a lotta quatloos riding on this

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Holodecks are by far the most hazardous technology on starships. Your crew gets addicted while the holodeck characters are constantly coming to life and trying to get out. And half the time you can’t even tell you’re inside one. Computer, I said mother-f-ing exit! How are you supposed to run a ship with this bullshit going on?

Next most dangerous are transporters. You have a little ionic storm, next thing you know, Spock has a beard, Checkov and Sulu are trying to kill you, and the hot chick is rubbing it all over your tantalus field.

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The Holodecks seemed to malfunction an awful lot on the Enterprise. Supposedly they had safety features programmed in but they always malfunctioned.

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The transporter malfunction scene in Star Trek: The Motion Picture was one of the worst, most frightening things I’ve ever seen in a movie (and not just because it was in ST:TMP).


Lol, it took over a week for the NYT to print a front page story on this. Truly this country has lost a step.

That imagery.

It’s funny that the transporter started off as a silly contrivance because Star Trek couldn’t afford to show people flying off to planets in a shuttle but it became an essential part of the ST universe.

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Just had what’s the rarest case of my career, and it makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

Had a patient with compartment syndrome. That’s not particularly rare. It’s that there was no significant trauma or vascular disease that caused it. As far as anyone can tell, the anterior compartment of the leg just started having the pressure go up for no good reason. It’s basically spontaneous combustion only real.

Maybe someone will figure it out later, but there’s a chance it will be the rarest diagnosis of my career.



lol Maury is still on? Don’t get me wrong, the occasional guy not being the father moment makes me laugh

But beyond that it’s just depressing.


Yesterday, the Star Trek OS ep, By Any Other Name was broadcast on H&I, followed by the Next Generation ep, Relics. The first has Scotty saying in the line “It’s green” when confounded by what is in a bottle of booze. The second has Data in a similar situation saying “It is green” to Doohan, who is making a cameo.

Thing is, if the series are both screened from the beginning and repeated starting on the same day, this shouldn’t happen for the first time for almost 39 years, if I got the calculation right. (OS ep was 51 of 79, NG ep 130 of 178.)


I forgot about your personal history. At what age did you move to Germany? Speaking English your accents sometimes sounds more German and sometimes more Russian to me. Reading German you sound a lot like one of my students who moved to Germany at some point in her childhood.

Is there a reason for you doing this? I like it a lot and will try to read along the Russian text if I have some time (I don’t speak it, but can read kyrillic letters and it sounds like a fun thing to do).

When I was a kid I thought the Saurian brandy looked delicious.

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If it’s not a simulation what does it matter?

I really like it. Intonation and pronunciation are some of the most fun parts of learning a language. As I said, I could probably tell that your original language was Russian, but I would have guessed you came to Germany earlier than that.
I might do a similar thing with poetry, which I am into these days, but I feel I can only do English and German. French and Spanish I might get some song lyrics I have heard before. I could try the Soviet anthem, come to think of it.

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There were 2 Russian women in my 18 person French course. Lyon and Nice both seemed to have pretty sizable Russian communities as well so French must be quite popular among Russians.

I had first dates with at least 2 Russian women in French, but didn’t get a 2nd date. They were very tough to read and it kinda threw me off. Probably didn’t help that it wasn’t either of our primary languages, although they were fluent and I wasn’t at that time.

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