The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting

Narrator: it did not, in fact work out this time.

Started with the healthy stuff, stayed the course until about the 4th beer, then started hitting the carb table every time I walked by. Final tally - 8-9 watery beers, 3 pieces of pizza, 5 (small) pieces of cake, half a cookie, some chocolate pretzels, maybe 8 small stuffed mushrooms, a big plate of teriyaki chicken and rice.

I brought the birthday cakes, and few people ate them as usually happens, so I felt the need to do my part or something and try one of each. And one extra piece of red velvet.


Livecam of corpse flower at the Huntington - gonna bloom any day now.

What the hell is a corpse flower?

Corpse flowers are known as the largest flowering plant in the world. It’s a tropical plant native to western Sumatra, Indonesia, with a life expectancy of 30—40 years. The “spadix” or log tube center can grow up to 15 feet in height, and the leaves grow to nearly 13 feet wide. The outside is green like any flower bulb, and the leaves (or petals) are generally dark red or burgundy. The massive flower is part of the araceae family and is related to smaller plants like philodendrons, calla lilies, and peace lilies. They are also in the same family as skunk cabbage (big surprise).

They bloom on average every seven to 10 years, and when it does bloom, it will only do so once that year. Once the flower opens, it emits a strong, pungent smell that’s said to resemble rotting meat, or “flesh” (hence, “corpse”). Lifehacker senior health editor Beth Skwarecki recalls the smell as having more of a “warm garbage” odor and compares the experience to “walking past a really ripe dumpster on a summer day.”

According to the planting site Treehugger, the plant’s scientific name, amorphophallus titanum, is ancient Greek which translates to “giant, misshapen phallus.”

Sick name for a high school band.

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Not So Steely Dan


Looks like Joey Chestnuts barely broke his own record for eating hot dogs (and buns)

76 HDB in 10 minutes

My (now former) students are expressing their disgust at this now that I have introduced it to them via social media.

It is disgusting. As someone who’s struggled with weight and over-eating my whole life I can’t even look at it.

I heard somewhere that they all go purge backstage as soon as the event is over. But I haven’t confirmed this.

It really is one of the most American things in existence.

His intro was ridiculously over-the-top

The aliens do flybys in UFOs to observe this inexplicable phenomenon.

Exercising will make you healthier, which then will make you a better poker player.

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Someone should buy tickets for a caravan of the homeless to attend.

There’s a doc out there on Roger Corman films out there that is pretty fascinating.

Your post reminded me of it.

Holy frick. On first read I missed the part about his dad.

Tom Cruise power rankings way down.

That’s the craziest shit I’ve ever seen.

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What a prick. He loses a chunk of leg in a just world.


If you want to understand how fucked we are as a country just come visit Kentucky Lake on the 4th of July.

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Yeah they’re probably very well fed and as tame as crocs can get. They’re not trying to eat him just rightly annoyed that someone is stepping on them.

I wonder though how do they get the crocs to line up like that? Maybe they’ve trained them to do that for feeding time or something.

Also I was shocked that there are alligators so tame they’ll just lay there on an operating slab while you inspect them. I saw it in some documentary where they wanted to look at an alligator up close, and see how its limbs moved, to compare it to some extinct bones they found.

Competitive eating is stupid and Joey Chestnut is a loser. Come at me


who’s the bigger loser?

  • the people sitting in those bleachers watching the hot dog eating live
  • the people watching on tv or internet

0 voters

it took two clicks to put it on the tv, the feed promptly cut out and I switched to something else.

People spent hours waiting and traveling for that shit.

What happened to Kobyashi? Stomach cancer?