The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting

One social occasion with all my friends and another with ex-coworkers and I’m already bowing out of new ones and dragging my heels on the one that starts right now. That didn’t take long.

I’ll be anxious, so I’ll start pounding beers until I start saying stupid shit I regret the next day. I’ll also eat like 400 cookies or donuts or whatever sweets are sitting there for the taking. Both of which will have me depressed until Tuesday or so.

But not having any social contact is also stressful and depressing.

I’ll try to be mindful and drink slowly. Light beer. Mix in a glass of water. Fill up on meat so I don’t go carb-crazy. Stay out of sight of the food table. It hasn’t worked the last 239 times in a row. But it just might work this time!


It’s a clever question because it’s difficult enough that its answer is not immediate but easy enough for a child to solve.

Let S denote the sum on any face. Notice that the sum of two opposite faces equals the sum of all vertices. So we have,

2S = 1+ 2+… + 8 = 36.

Therefore S = 18.

Also, looking at the twitter replies there is a “hard” approach which I’m guessing is:

If we sum up all faces, then it will count each vertex three times. So we have

6S = 3(1+2+…+8)

which gives S = 18.

This also reminds me of a math joke. A math professor tells the fly and the bicycle problem to John von Neumann (who is a genius among geniuses). Von Neumann immediately gives the answer and the professors says, “Oh, so you’ve heard of the easy solution before?” To which von Neumann replies, “The easy solution? I just computed the infinite series. How else would you do it?”

It’s especially nice that both the mathematician and his daughter could work on it and each have fun with it.

Started a new job doing a lot of what I was doing in Colorado and paying what I was making in Colorado so this weekend I’m moving to Colorado. The lead up to it has been tougher than I expected. Motivation to do much of anything outside of work is minimal, motivation to overachieve at work has been pretty minimal. Really hoping getting out of my mom’s sewing room and into my own place will get me moving again. Looking forward to Boulder hikes again.


I’m pretty jelly.

Last I looked there’s still affordable land for homesteading in Colorado Springs.

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Good luck. I find it so much easier since I quit drinking than it was trying to drink moderately. Like I have a better time because I’m not thinking about whether I’m the only one on their third drink, did I offend with that mildly sarcastic comment, shit, did I just slur, better shut up, etc.

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In the general vicinity of Colorado Springs?

In the mountains. Most of the lots I was looking at last year were affordable.

That was a year ago.

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If I don’t buy a lake lot to live on in MN first that is my other home plan. Summit County and everything close to Denver is overrun now so probably further west but near an airport would be sweet. Driving to most places that are less tourist filled are long drives around with the winter closures of roads on any pass.

Last time I was in Boulder, Wolf Creek got dumped on and it was like a 10 hour drive in winter with the closures.

I’m assuming that The Onion was inspired to write this headline after reading the past few days of About Unstuck.


I was just in Carbondale for half a week and the drive from Denver was a pain in the nuts. All kinds of mudslides causing road closures in multiple places on I-70 including Glenwood Canyon, plus Independence Pass being closed at the same time.

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CO is my favorite state to visit so far. In my state if you are at a bar and say hi to a neighbor table it can start a fight because they are douchebags and ask why you are talking to them and shit. I’ve met and gone bar hopping and became friends with dozens of people randomly in CO. It’s so great.

Going to Red Rocks next week if still there. Oh, wait sorry.

Drove right by the exit for Red Rocks the other day, but I’m back at home. I agree about the people. On my first climbing trip to Boulder about 25 years ago, I kept thinking people wanted something from me or were going to try to sell me something. Being from New England where everyone is an asshole (including myself) it was really weird until i got used to it.

A ton of Billy Strings fans are fishermen and women including Billy Strings himself. We’re going to do some fly fishing up somewhere a local Billy fan is going to take us. Going to be a blast.

I didn’t know fly fishing from MN when I went there for snowboarding. I feel like I missed out on a lot.

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I didn’t get out fishing, but my BIL caught some nice Rainbows around Carbondale. He then headed straight to Alaska for more fishing. What a jerk! Shit man Billy Strings is going to be awesome at RR.

That sounds awesome. I already said this somewhere that I don’t like salmon or trout to eat but they are fun as fuck to catch. I’m walleye, perch, northern and that’s about it for eating. I’m probably wrong here. I’m going to kayak fish the bays of Lake of the Woods this summer.

If I didn’t have to deal with humans I’d probably quit too.

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Sure. Instead of must I should have said can.

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