The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting

Been a little on edge lately so I decided to listen to Krakauer’s book about Pat Tillman while I walked. Now I’m grinding my teeth in rage. Good call!


That’s a salty shower. Well maybe it’s a river. But all that sand makes me think ocean.

I took this picture a week ago. This is in fact salt.


He did a pretty good job with the wings.

I’ve noticed that Sean’s been slacking as of late though. Used to appear invincible during his interviews.

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If you’re looking to rally this forum around a common enemy, this is a good attempt.

I thought you were a sci-fi fan!

This seems pretty amazing:


Good to focus on that now. My mother is in her 60s and is dealing with all sorts of cancerous skin patches because of her love of sun worshipping as a teen and young adult. So far, no melanoma but who knows how long that’ll be the case?

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What occurred to me to try was how Gauss’ added consecutive integers by pairing them so they sum to the same value when he was a child (coincidentally about the same age as this guy’s kid). The four pairs (1,8), (2,7), (3,6), (4,5) add to 9. Two pairs on a face give you 18. It’s not hard to find arrangements that work for all faces.

If you take two vertices, say one above the other, they must sum to the same as the sum of the two vertices to the left, and also to the two vertices to the right, and therefore to the fourth set of two.
The sum of each pair must be 9, making 18 on each face.

Is this really a “clever” question?

Answer seems obvious (as everyone has posted).

I guess if you’re at a Trump rally it would be a real head scratcher.

Answer’s right but not sure about the argument because if you turn the cube on its side, the vertices one above another don’t add to nine. Example:

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Who am I to argue with a professional mathematician? Anyway, I don’t think he meant you have to be very clever to get the answer, more that the question can be answered using different approaches, some easy, some not so easy. Like Gauss’ summation problem.

It’s god damn annoying when other physicians fuck around and I end up finding out.

  • Lady has masses noted in her lung, neck, and abdomen from a month plus of outpatient workup… I’m the first to tell her she has metastatic cancer
  • Abscess treatment is delayed because IR is booked for the week, comes in septic.

And I catch shit from the families like it’s my fault. Fuckin a man.

Are you above telling people to contact malpractice lawyers?

First person has no medmal claim, but they were rightfully pissed.

Second… meh maybe depends on the outcome.

And no, I never tell people they should get a medmal lawyer. I do tell people when a mistake was made, especially when it was me who made the mistake. Hell when a nurse/tech makes a mistake I take responsibility for it. Find that is usually well received. I’m a lot less likely to throw another physician under the bus.