The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting

He and others at Bateau Lavoir were close to starvation for a long time, and things only picked up when he was “discovered” by the Steins.

Morphy might have been in a similar situation, but I think his dad was rich.

Different sport, but Vanderlei de Lima in the Olympic marathon in 2004 is also a good example how crazy spectators can influence a race:

those bikers should be prosecuted for not respecting the pedestrian’s right of way

Just found out today that one of the riders in the crash finished the stage despite breaking both elbows.

Meanwhile, I need my wife to bring me stuff that’s ten feet away because I’m too tired to get off the couch.




That‘s either an amazing achievement or a bunch of made-up words.

And the Second Drain Fly War is in progress.

In last year’s war, the resourceful human’s effective use of apple cider vinegar + dish soap traps tipped the battle in his favor and resulted in a decisive victory after just a few days use.

It is clear, however, that this year’s army has learned from the mistakes of their ancestors as none have fallen for those traps. The human, seeing the ineffectiveness of his previous home remedy, opted for the use of chemical weapons directly on the drain fly base, starting with two bleach strikes and a planned Drain-O strike later today. Although the human is aware that his actions go against the Kitchen Sink Convention, the flies are far more gross than the violations.

Accusations of insect cleansing from the diminutive population will neither merit a response nor stop the ongoing sanitation activities.


Lol I forgot where I found this and posted it in the other LC thread. We really need to stop this LC madness.

“So hypothetically, if someone did just drink a quart of tiger sperm…”

After several minutes Russell continued: “I feel like I need to be — what do you think? — like 5,000 feet, at least, to be able to pull this barrel roll off?” The amateur video of capturing what happens next defies belief. The 108-foot-long passenger plane soars skyward before suddenly tipping over, clockwise. The Q400 rolls into a diving, upside-down swoop toward earth, nearly coming vertical before flipping over again. As the craft rolls, it never falters, leveling off right above the water of the Puget Sound for a few perilous seconds, before ascending anew into the dusk-pink sky.

An eyewitness report came over the radio from one of the intercepting F-15s, whose pilot referred to the Q400 as “Track of Interest 1” or “TOI1.” His radio transmission sounds somewhat awestruck: “TOI1 just completed a barrel roll.”

The other F-15 pilot responded, sounding professional but incredulous. “Confirm he did a barrel roll?”

“Affirm,” the first pilot said, allowing a chuckle of disbelief. “He cleared the surface of the water by approximately 10 feet.”

Holy crap. Was this even news at the time? I completely missed it.


Holy shit. I was thinking “surely this is some untold story from like 1985” but no. How the hell did this happen in 2018 and no one heard of it?!?

If he was a brown guy and not a white guy it would have been in news daily for years. We’d still be talking about the SeaTac Terrorist Attack.

I found a video of the barrel roll and it’s pretty cool, and amazing that he pulled it off. It’s also pretty sad, though, considering the ultimate outcome.


I remember this. Somebody must be fucking with the timeline. It feels like 10 years ago.

I don’t quite remember what it was but something or someone was distracting us at the time.



yeah no kidding