The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting

Here ya go

Itā€™s pretty funny how that whole thing was a disclaimer that I was fine with everything. Fucking lol.

go fuck yourself

edit: I like suzzer and always thought we were friendly, so when I sat down and checked this place this morning with my morning coffee, I was all, oh hey, suzzer tagged me, cool, I wonder what thatā€™s all abouā€“



Come on dude. Iā€™ve defended you on multiple occasions back a year ago or so when other posters were saying you add nothing to the forum and just stir up threads. I value your POV, and always had you up there with posters Iā€™d most like to have a beer with someday. I just think you get some kind of dopamine hit out of being a contrarian and dragging arguments into the realm of the absurd. So I like to give you shit about it.

For someone who seems to really enjoy arguing, you apparently have a pretty thin skin about being called out on it. I thought we had a rapport and I could rib you about that, but but I guess not. I wonā€™t do it again.

For the record I would never tag someone out of the blue if I had a serious beef with them or was trying to stir dissent. That would be a pretty ludicrous thing to do considering how much I complain about other posters causing drama. This was an attempt at a lighthearted joke. I saw the article then added a line about keeed as an afterthought. It had absolutely nothing to do with mental illness or keeedā€™s mental health, which I have every reason to think is fine.

I actually thought tagging was preferable to not tagging. Point noted on that too. This forum is on edge imo.


Moving onā€¦

I would like the record to show that I interpreted it exactly as such

Please put this in my file for the next time I make your ignore list.

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Is that actually a thing women do? Not sure Iā€™ve ever seen it.

I donā€™t think I have a thin skin really but as you said the forum is on edge and I just took this to be mean spirited. I believe you when you say thatā€™s not how you meant it. Tagging is better than not tagging, I agree. Sorry I overreacted.

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Iā€™m with this guy, thereā€™s nothing wrong with Farenheit. Thereā€™s certainly nothing about Celcius that is inherently superior, itā€™s just reflexive ā€œamerican weights and distances are dumb, so their temperature scale must be dumb tooā€

Like, wtf, how is one scale better than the other for cooking? You set the dial to number. Itā€™s not like itā€™s easier to read C numbers in recipes or something. just incredibly dumb. Thereā€™s nothing ā€œmetricā€ about C compared to F, you can do decimals in both, thereā€™s no real subunits that you have to convert between (the real problem with imperial units isnā€™t that kilometers are inherently better than miles, itā€™s that we have to convert between inches/feet/miles and you donā€™t in metric).


Someone going nuclear early with the cups card.

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Are we not chittering about the crazy Tour de France wreck anywhere?

The peloton has to hold some kind of record for the most total horsepower that can be completely wiped out with a cardboard sign. Zero military value in the peloton.


Sign says go grandma and grandpa, lol. Good work.

Damn those dudes collapsed like a house of cards. Shouldnā€™t have gotten rid of the steroids imo.

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TDF sign-holder lady GOAT

Her face when the cyclist hits the sign is priceless

I canā€™t even imagine hating on Morphy. That would be like hating on Picasso.

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They did.

(Maybe thatā€™s what you meant).

Yeah, thatā€™s equally unimaginable.