The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting


Less certain about this. Based on 1 min of google, the kid has a net worth of 2 million at age 37. That’s pretty good, especially considering that he probably “works” very little.

On my trip to Coney Island, I made a point of getting a hot dog at Nathan’s and I think I took a pic of the Wall Of Fame.

Chestnut not being fat disproves the assertion he is a loser.

If he has 2 milly and is still engaging in this shitshow then he’s a loser.

Contract disputes. The company that runs the Nathan’s contest wanted eaters to sign exclusive contracts with them and Kobyashi didn’t want to sign.

I like to eat at Nathan’s whenever I make it to Coney Island. You’d be surprised at how often you find a hundred dollar bill in one of the dogs.

He didn’t agree with the major league eating sponsorship deal (yes MLE is a thing) and so he won’t compete in any contest in that promotion. My assumption is that they probably wanted to prevent him from competing in other contests and likely restrict him from getting his own sponsors.

He used to do his own thing and record it along with the contest. He was on pace or slightly behind the few years he did that.

EDIT: Slow-ass pony

That’s not really that much at age 37. He could probably safely spin 60-80K income per year off of that. That’s nice and all, but it’s not really living large.

Wait what?

If someone has 2 milly at age 37 with 80k of passive income and can’t figure out a better way to make even more than this shitshow then, yes, they are a fucking loser.

We obviously have vastly different definitions of what winning and losing is.

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You got any ideas? He is the number one competitive eater. Apparently his income from eating and sponsorships these days is 250K to 500K a year. Let’s assume he “works” less than 10hrs a week. So what non-competitive eating endeavor do you suggest he pursue to make more money with less work than that?

No doubt.

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Twitch stream

The assumption is that he has to pick something unrelated to competitive eating. He could definitely monetize his web presence better though, that’s for sure. But it would have to be competitive eating content.

Speaking of competititve eaters making money without competitively eating, Matt Stonie has rolled his 2015 hot dog eating win into 100K subscribers on Twitch and a wider social media presence elsewhere.

As for Joey, he probably eats competitively for the love of the game. Some people love weird shit to take them away from the boredom of real estate and index funds.

Yeah, Stonie was exactly who I was thinking of when I said Chestnut could do better on web presence.

eating contests is no doubt a top-3 reason why the world hates US.


It’s 2021 and the wealth disparity is sky high.

Massive numbers of working class people are struggling and can barely make it.

We are in a got damn pandemic with climate change bearing down.

But OH NO Chestnutt only has 2 million and 80 k in passive income whatever will he do should he choose not to take part in one of the worst displays of American largesse, waste, and ignorance.

Eat a Nathan’s dick followed by a guillotine.

I’m not sure what argument you think we were having, but it definitely wasn’t a debate on the ethics of competitive eating.

The metric you introduced was as follows:

I guess now you’ve decided to make it something else. Good talk. If you do come up with that “better way to make even more than this shitshow”, I’d love to hear it.

You don’t think that’s work? Grinding it out on his leather ass? No thank you.

I don’t care how much money he has or how much he can live off of due to the 4% rule, our society is a gluttonous dystopian hellscape and some douchebag choking down 76 hot dogs in front of a crowd of similarly disgusting Trump loving degenerates is both depressing and sadly representative of what most assholes in this country think “freedom” means.