The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting

Wait, so Bryce isn’t leaving?

It’s unclear. At least it is to me. If his only post was the Thank You, then I’d still assume he is.

Furthermore, in the other thread there is speculation that this Bryce acct is actually someone else.

Had a biopsy this spring from my thigh. Got infected. MSRA. Had what I thought to be a spider bite but is almost definitely mrsa. Dermatologist is out of town and no one will refill my antibiotic prescription. Have to walk in to have someone look at it. Great system we got here.


Damn, MRSA ain’t nothing to fuck with.

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That’s what rogan says.

That’s scary. Good luck, dude.

The dermatologists and people there didn’t think it was serious enough to do anything about it until whenever my doctor answered her mail. Two hours later I got 10 days of antibiotics.

The biopsy that first got infected with MSRA was to confirm I had this after it starting on my ankles and me thinking it was dry skin until I woke up and it was up to my ass on both legs and both arms lmao.

based doggo


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that this sounds pretty reasonable. However, I’m not clear on the details. Did you have this problem continuously since spring? Or did it heal and then you got something again and you think it’s the same thing again. If it’s the former, that sounds weird and certainly worthy of getting checked out. If it’s the latter, then it would seem reasonable for someone to at least culture the wound and see what bacteria is growing in there.

Just liberally giving people antibiotics is bad for myriad reasons. Presumably MSSA would look just like MRSA (to the naked eye), but if a test reveals the former, then you can get a different antibiotic and make the problem of MRSA a little less bad for the entire community (through minimization of the development of antibiotic resistant strains).

Not continuously. The biopsy got infected and culture came back for MRSA. Fast forward to today and to make it a short story I walked in and the NP said yeah that looks like MRSA given you had it recently and gave me 10 days of doxycycline.

They didn’t culture it? That seems wrong.


The elbow scars are from bmx and skateboarding and sucking at both.

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Let me know when it clears up, I know a good podcast about MRSA to listen to.

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Rogan or this podcast may kill you?

I just saw the photo that you uploaded. Was there something draining from it? That would have been easy enough to test. Alternatively, if they really think you’re colonized with MRSA, they could stick a swab up your nose and test for that.

In any case, hope you get better.

I feel fine. I’ve just heard MRSA is no joke and to take it seriously. The lack of urgency by my local doctors seems to say otherwise or they just suck though.

My old neighbor got MRSA in Iraq somehow and gets these abscesses around his helmet line.

The vasculitis I had earlier this spring scared the shit out of me though. My capillaries were bleeding inside my skin!

TPWKY, but it’s probably going to scare you if you listen to it now.

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Still thought I had dry skin rash at this photo lol.