The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting

“MRSA is no joke” is basically people taking anecdotes of the worst MRSA infections and blowing them up. MRSA is (unfortunately) super common. In hospitals (where the stuff is all over the place) people get MRSA infections all the time and do fine with appropriate antibiotic treatment.

Even outside hospitals there are plenty of people who are just colonized with MRSA and it’s not doing anything.

In case you are not aware, MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. That means that it is a particular strain of staphylococcus aureus that is resistant to certain common antibiotics. S. aureus itself is an extremely common bacteria that is ubiquitous. The fact that a certain strain is methicillin-resistant doesn’t really make it more deadly, it just means that fewer antibiotics will work against. A methicillin-sensitive S. aureus infection can fuck you up just as badly if you don’t get the needed treatment.

The only difference is that MRSA has fewer antibiotics that you can use. And if people just keep prescribing antibiotics with abandon, then the MRSA could develop resistance to those antibiotics as well. Then we’ll all be fucked.

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I kind of think the vasculitis was caused by my severe sleep apnea. I know they say they don’t really know why people get IgA vasculitis and kids mostly get it but during the time right before it I woke up several times like crying out for air making an audible gasp. I recorded some of those nights on a sleep app and hearing myself was horrifying.

There is no evidence but feel like the lack of oxygen may have triggered it. The BIPAP has got me from 33 apneas per hour to under 5 and I’ve never felt better tbh. I think I’ve been severely unrested for the last few years.

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Mother of god

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Culturing it is useless, the first culture is near meaningless too.

Grateful Dead poker references from Loser:

If I had a gun for every ace that I had drawn
I could arm a town the size of Abilene

All that I am asking for is ten gold dollars
And I could pay you back with one good hand

Everybody’s bragging and drinking that wine
I can tell the Queen of Diamonds by the way she shines
Come to daddy on an inside straight
Well I got no chance of losing this time

It’s literally a ‘stake me I’m a good (but actually bad) player’ song lmao.


I guess, I’ll say that not culturing it is probably not “wrong” (that was a bit strong on my part), but culturing it is probably better.

Mostly that it doesn’t change anything.

It’s either an abscess that needs to be cut into so it can drain or it’s a cellulitis and it’s skin flora you’re culturing. Culture aren’t recommended for either unless you’re seriously ill.

Come to daddy on an inside straight.
I got no chance of losing this time.

brown trout

I made my comment before he posted the photo, so it wasn’t clear what exactly what he was talking about. It could have been a more superficial infection. In either case, I don’t think bolded is correct. Based on below, they actually are recommended by at least one group of infectious disease specialists.

Source: Infectious Diseases Society of America

Am I going to die?

We’re all going to die.


I like marty’s weed thread posts but other than that all he does is fight in the mod thread. I don’t get it.

Bad news for @anon10396289

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1- that isn’t impetigo or ecythema. That isn’t recommended anymore anyways for those unless I’m wildly misremembering

2- that’s wrong about culturing abscesses. You can google “choosing wisely culturing abscesses” and you’ll find updated guidelines which I’m pretty sure the idsa are on board with… and they’re idiots if they aren’t.

Kinda weird to be questioned on this tbh, but whatever

I’m glad I could cause more division with my abscess.

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Ironically your abscess needs dividing

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The doctor today was busy af and offered to drain it but then asked if I could hot compress it myself this weekend and drain it (lol?) But I was fine with that as long as they were fine with it. As long as I’m not going to die I’m fine.

Yeah, as I said, I made the statement before he posted the picture. I then made a second post after he posted the photo.

I did that and I found stuff only pertaining to emergency departments, so I guess that would explain why you think that. But I guess that’s not really important. I only looked at the first two hits. If you’ve got a specific source in mind, please link it.

None of those sources contradict the one I posted (and they’re from different societies than the one I posted. If you got one from the IDSA, post it). They say that they’re “not needed”. Not that they’re “not recommended”. That’s exactly the distinction that is made in the source I posted. They say that it’s better to do it, but you don’t have to.

Don’t think this is the place for a deep dive into evidence based medicine, but I’m quite confident about the statements I made. Culturing abscesses is dumb.