The Ginger C(h)at LC Thread for Sundry Chatchitting

Damn, I didn’t remember the time of collapse so I was going off the color of the sky and assumed it was twilight. I guess that’s light pollution from Miami?

Wish I hadn’t seen the video. So frightening. I also didn’t realize how much building had collapsed vs. what I envisioned from reading the stories. The stories all say “partial” and from the pics it looked like one face of one tower had collapsed. Awful.

Hopefully there’s a lot of snowbirds that are gone for the summer, and maybe investment/AirBnB type units that weren’t occupied. Otherwise, scary casualty numbers.

TV saying about 50 residents not yet accounted for.

Terrible, but 50 lives would be a lot less than I would have though after seeing the video.

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That’s just the ones unaccounted for. Some are probably already declared dead, survived, or weren’t there.

So probably take the number of confirmed dead and add (probably) 50 to it.

I believe the confirmed dead # is still just 1.

I have two options, which would you prefer: Delete, or Delete and Block


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Bryce are you leaving?

Damn, this bums me out. Sad to see you go, Bryce.

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Czech Republic was hit with the strongest tornado in its country’s history todsy

First tornado in the country since 2018

Taking a while but seems to be working






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Glad I spent half an hour on this!


I still don’t think it’s a good idea to let users delete all their posts without a very good reason.


I, for one, welcome our new Bryce overlord(s).

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Welcome to our community Bryce!


What in the actual fuck? You’re just lying to everyone about this to get all your posts nuked and then come back?

I’m just glad he’s still with us.

I tried at several steps to have him just send me a few posts to delete. Mr. Oreo also let him know of the effort it’d take him.

This isn’t a funny joke. If Bryce is just screwing around this is permaban worthy IMO. People like ggoero are volunteers.