The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis



There are uneaten pudding cups aplenty

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One of my favorite movies, it’s hilarious that it ends with Harrison Ford defying the President and, wait for it, wait for it, testifying to the Senate oversight committee about the operation. Talk about srs consequences, let’s see the President wriggle out of this jam.

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Should rename it the Vivek thread at this point

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The Vivek Section


DeSantis administration last summer stripping municipalities of their power to prevent the demolition of certain properties, regardless of historic designation.

Observers say the law poses an unprecedented threat to Miami’s historic neighborhoods and skyline, with wealthy landowners and developers “salivating” at the opportunity to wipe away unprotected older buildings of character and architectural significance for soulless modern “McMansions”.

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Good. Screw the NIMBYs.

Right, it is amazing the dilapidated bullshit people in my town try to label historic once they realize some developer is going to tear down a 200 year old house to build a 4 plex.

And these same people then go on all the town Facebook pages and complain about high housing prices

ACAB, and Ron Desantis needs them sooooo

In an interview with the Daily Beast’s Jose Pagliery, Orlando-based State Attorney Monique Worrell suggested that DeSantis – who is running a faltering campaign to be the 2024 Republican Party’s presidential nominee – may have been giving a local sheriff an assist by removing her from her post.

Worrell notes she was looking into a cover-up conspiracy among law officers who were faking documents to disguise accusations of abusive behavior.

Speaking with the Beast, she explained, "They thought that I was overly critical of law enforcement and didn’t do anything against ‘real criminals.’ Apparently there’s a difference between citizens who commit crimes and cops who commit crimes.”

Better article

In another lesson about the beginnings of slavery, the course delved into how tens of thousands of enslaved Africans had been “removed from the continent to work on Portuguese-colonized Atlantic islands and in Europe” and how those “plantations became a model for slave-based economy in the Americans.”

In response, the state raised concerns that the unit “may not address the internal slave trade/system within Africa” and that it “may only present one side of this issue and may not offer any opposing viewpoints or other perspectives on the subject.”

For example, the state worried educators teaching about how the 1960s Black is Beautiful movement helped lay a foundation for multicultural and ethnic studies movements, could “possibly teach that rejecting cultural assimilation, and promoting multiculturalism and ethnic studies are current worthy objectives for African Americans today.”

“This type of instruction tends to divide Americans rather than unify Americans around the universal principles in the Declaration of Independence,” the state officials wrote about a lesson in the course.

When reviewing the content, however, state reviewers said the lesson plan might violate state laws and rules because it “supposes that no slaves or their descendants accumulated any wealth.” “This is not true and may be promoting the critical race theory idea of reparations,” state officials wrote in documents reviewed by the Herald/Times. “This topic presents one side of this issue and does not offer any opposing viewpoints or other perspectives on the subject.”

State reviewers, however, said the unit could potentially violate state rules because it failed to offer other reasons outside of systemic racism and discrimination for the wealth disparity between Black Americans and other racial groups.


What’s the opposing viewpoint here?

“Some people, mostly white plantation owners, believed that free labor was good for their business”?


He is not smart lol Yale

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Then, at an August 19 event—where Mitchell was tailed closely by two security guards—an attendee told The Daily Beast they saw a staffer for DeSantis’ super PAC, Never Back Down, take a photo of the teenager on Snapchat before typing out an ominous caption: “Got our kid.”


Child traffickers

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Please tell me he’s wearing the white boots.