The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

yeah not florida… pretty sure my mother said her neighbor kid was complaining that school starts this coming week.

Need to get an early start to the year when you’re reinventing history from scratch.


Florida gets off sometime in May and goes back in August.

My kids went back to school August 1. Compared to when I was a kid, they start earlier, end earlier, and have a slightly shorter summer break, but they have more breaks during the year, which I think is good for their mental health.

They have a week off at the end of September (and Labor Day), a week for Thanksgiving, two weeks for the holiday break in December/January, a week off in February (what they call Winter Break), and a week for Spring break in April. School ends May 22.



Elementary and high school was Tuesday after Labour Day to end of June. University was Thursday after Labour Day to end of April (or earlier depending on your exams, which were all of April)

I assume Northeast US is the same.

Week before Labor Day to middle of June here.

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I don’t know what here is for you.

Went back in Texas too.


Same in Maryland. With lots of time off during the year.A week at Thanksgiving. Two weeks at Christmas 7 dozen Jewish holidays!?!?!?

total number of school days?

No on in the southern states knows because math has been banned. It’s part of a Woke Agenda!


No one told me math would be required.


Elon has “moved on”, Ron has “moved on”, Tucker has “moved on”. Maybe Trump will be next to “move on”.

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This is the most beta thing I have ever heard. How the fuck did this guy get elected to anything.

Amazing we were afraid of this guy becoming president.


The South Park version of Micky Mouse should rough him up a little,


The same way that Rs win every election - the Dems ran on policy, the Rs ran on culture war nonsense. It’s not even clear that he actually won his first election, the margin of victory was less than 1% and they never finished the recount. Weird!

and then the fbi raided his opponent on tips from a republican operative that allegedly drugged gillum…

drug it out for 5 years, and ended up getting a Not Guilty on a few charges, and the rest were dismissed…

Florida loves weak ass politicians