The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Ronnie looks like he’s on his tiptoes



And no matter how much money they shovel at this guy, every suit he wears looks borrowed

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What a cuck loser.

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It could be the right thing to do if Donald’s indictments drag him down. If Ron is the top beta, he could benefit bigly.

What’s funny is that it actually makes sense for DeSantis to stay in just in case Trump has a stroke, but also his brand is taking more hits the longer he stays in.

I’m still just trying to imagine the possibility of another Trump presidency. Gee jolly how did this happen?

It’ll be fun if you just resign yourself to watching the world burn.

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Ronnie currently has similar or worse polling in the R primary than anti-vax Kennedy has in the D primary.

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I believe @suzzer99 made the metaphor that being in the US is like living in a house with a four year old who is trying to kill you. Most of the time it feels silly and laughable but you always must remember they actually can kill you, and you can’t do anything about it besides thwart them 100% of the time.

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Man I hope I said that. That’s pretty clever.

Yeah that is ringing a vague bell now. Imagine how much more clever I could be if I actually remembered things I came up with?


don’t worry, I got u




We need celebrity death match back asap

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This guy sure is a charmer

Im honestly kinda shocked anybody took him seriously as a national electoral threat after listening to him speak. He may do well with a state full of rubes and morons, but he is exceptionally dull and likely much more stupid than he comes across in scripted moments or in policy proposals (likely written by others.)

Willingly and full throatedly taking on the biggest employer in your state for no fucking reason is one of the dumbest political ideas we have ever seen. What a fucking moron.


He’s doing worse in states fullest of rubes and morons, he was supposed to be the way back to Republican soccer moms and the like. But your point still stands, my God he’s so fundamentally unlikable, in a cross partisan way.

He just wants so so badly to be Trump, and he will never be Trump. Not that even Trump could take down Disney, but this clown never had a shot.