The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

This is going to be awesome


Man Desantis isn’t going to be able to do this without directly attacking trump and making him look pathetic. I don’t know if he has it in him but this could be so incredible to watch.



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Ya exactly. This is some security guard who would be well within his rights to trespass these folks from the private property of the Leesburg Mall. Now if they were to find a nice sidewalk nearby, this security chap and the LPD that he calls could kindly fuck off. I’ve watched way too many of those auditor videos.

Regardless, I’m definitely here for more encounters like this one.

Sure - he’s within his legal rights to ban Trump supporters from his gatherings, but it’s a pretty dumb strategy as they aren’t going to go peacefully and it’s only going to encourage more to come back next time.

The optics of cops being called to trespass and/or arrest Trump supporters isn’t a winning one.

There’s a SCOTUS case involving Portland Oregon’s Lloyd Center Mall, where SCOTUS ruled that the mall’s prohibition of distributing anti-war Vietnam handbills did not violate the First Amendment

I believe that is still the… what’s the vocabulary word… still the guidelines, not overturned

Even if it is a public right of way, if there’s more than like 10 of them, cops can legally say something like “you didn’t file a permit, and therefore you are lawfully ordered to disperse”


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Yet another false flag antifa operation

“I’m doing my job, man”

“And so are we!”



It’s not just Desantis. His people don’t seem nearly as rabid as Trumpers. On paper it looks like a blowout.

I really don’t know how they resolve the Trump issue. It might even be too late for him to catch Kremlin Window-itis - the nutters will blame DeSantis. Still, a tumble down the stairs might be the only way around him.

Desantis has to realize the “just don’t mention trump” strategy is hopeless, but I’ve seen no indication he has the ability to clown Trump, which is what he has to do to win.

DeSantis needs to pull a bunch of cruel pranks involving immigrants to seize attention.

His best move is “Trump is a loser, he lost to 100 year old Joe Biden, I won former swing state Florida by 30 points.” If he doesn’t take trump on directly his candidacy is DOA.


trmp is his own worst enemy tho, and he will be imploding through the whole election cycle.

Them no college men just love Trump.