The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis



Good politics imo. Biden wants to take away formula and diapers too. And/or fill it with fentanyl and abortion pills.

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This pansy always half-asses it! How stupid does he think we are! Why do I have pay taxes when I buy a gun? Hmmmm? Second Amendment! It’s in the constitution!

I was reading that and I’m like, “wow well at least half of it is actually something good that rightfully shouldn’t have sales tax oh it” and then I remembered baby formula is another political thing lol

The worst part is this is totally gamed out by them and it wouldn’t work if woke leftists started getting fake triggered that the minimum wage is too high, they’d call that bluff immediately

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desantis is mastering the art of “proposing” things and then never following through… look at the disney stuff…

it’s pretty smart marketing to dumb conservatives… get a bunch of points from the dumbdumbs then move on to the next.

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I’m not super familiar with drag culture but I did watch Pose.

I’m unclear on how a drag show “depicts or describes sexual conduct”. :thinking:

And allows for “adult in the room” plausible deniability for the “Trump isn’t nice” Republican.

The issue for Ron is most of the Republicans who profess to find Trump distasteful, will vote for him over an effete career politician.

I’d say this is the rub. Bringing back all the anti gay obscenity and morality stuff but focusing it on trans and cross dressers until they can get it more firmly established in the law

They are going to have to walk a tightrope at the debates between pushing DeSantis and not letting DeSantis become the establishment’s choice. As I said before, the Trump debates in 2016 turned into a WWE skit - with the debate hosts and media playing the straight guy “Mr. Trump be reasonable. Mr. Trump what are you doing. No, sir. Please, Mr. Trump put the chair down. Don’t do it. Noooooooo”

Remember, end of the day, the people staring at the glowing screen (present included) want to be entertained.


I think there’s a good chance that the Republican “debates” for 2024 take the form of moderators asking questions like “Mr. DeSantis, you are universally admired and everyone knows that only you have a proven track record of defeating the woke mob. To what do you describe your incredible success?”

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Back to back great Simpsons references. Bravo

They won’t be able to do it. They’ll fawn after Ron, and lose the plot (and all the “independents”).


Wow, that’s major MAGA street cred. It’s like a rapper doing time.


how awesome would it be if he started his own party?

is trump really capable of endorsing ron desantis? after a TOTALLY RIGGED PRIMARY where ron desantis CHEATED TO WIN ??

oh fuck, what if ron wins the primary, and then he himself turns around and says “yes it was rigged and stolen. this is proof, i have the proof. end all voting now and i endorse president trump and if he’s cheated again it’s gonna be really bad”

i think that’s his fastest route to dictator