The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Some of the best people.

“Sexual crimes”?

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It’s going to be incredible when DeSantis himself is indicted by his own grand jury as the #1 Covid wrongdoer in Florida!


Such low effort after a 5 month break -

We need a sweet summer wall of text.

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DeSantis building up cred to gain support from Clinton voters? Like, I’m obviously joking but this will seriously be a conspiracy floated by the Trump reich right.


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The issue is that only 2% of the sample has heard Ron speak.

And after he debates Trump his numbers will flatline.

Can Haley / Pompeo / Cruz / Pence splinter off enough support? I’m skeptical.

Kristi Noem? Tim Scott? Get the fuck out of here.

I’d put Haley and Pompeo in the GTFO category as well.

On second thought, just throw them all in there.

Once Trump gelds DeSantis, somebody is going to jump in and try to consolidate the GOP.

Bongino or Tucker or some heretofore unknown MyPillow type.

Trump is not going to geld DeSantis. He delivered on Roe v. Wade and all deplorables I know, sagely nod their heads, stroke their chins and wisely proclaim that it’s time for new leadership. Trump’s role as the useful idiot has come to an end. The King is dead. Long live the King.

ETA: I know approximately 3.50 deplorables.

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Trump has lost all but the proudly racist mostly rural degenerates. He can still win the nomination but he needs a super fractured field and to the extent there are any adults left in the room they’re going to do everything they can to prevent that.


That worked really well last time. And then they all bent the knee.

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This is a good point, but I’m not convinced there are adults left in the room, politically. Even centrism seems to have devolved into a kind of awkward line-towing. A lot of those constituencies seem like they’d just as soon not vote or even vote Biden.

The other possibly relevant thing is that nobody remotely competent will work for him this time.

He’s got a huge amount of funds already raised. Republican operatives are almost all grifters - he won’t have trouble finding people to take his money. Plus it’s not like he had the A team for his first run.

20+ point margin as of last week.

DeSantis already sounds like he’s gelded, so it won’t take Trump much energy to bin him.

DeSantis feels like he’s got some of that Jeb energy. In theory he’s the ideal candidate, but he’s boring as hell when he talks and feels more like he’s going through the motions of being a true hard-core conservative than an actual believer. I think Trump will destroy him at the debates.


It’s really just that simple.

Chapo had a good take on this recently: DeSantis dutifully attends the funeral of Diamond; Trump gives a speech complaining how long the funeral lasts. Then casually claims he doesn’t even know who her sister is.

Advantage (by 20+ points) Trump

DeSantis is the perfect candidate for the “I’m not a Trump sycophant. For example I think that he talks/tweets too much” guys.

Problem is that 99% of the people saying that are indeed Trump sycophants and of course they love that he’s unfiltered and unhinged.

Obviously it’s way early, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if DeSantis does much better in polls than in the actual elections.

Does Trump mock DeSantis for being scared of gays?