The French Laundry & Other Great Dining Experiences

I’d smash those


Casa Bonita is making a comeback!

The new chef’s restaurants are really good, so I have high hopes for the reopening.

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lol, I looked it up and there is actually a Dollar Tree in the same strip mall as Casa Bonita.

But it’s two doors down, not right next door. Therefore, I give Southpark three pinocchios.

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I have fond memories of Casa Bonita as a kid.

It’s also where my parents met so it’s partially the reason why I exist.


Holy shit I had no idea Casa Bonita was real. I mean I think I had heard there was a restaurant by that name, but I had no idea that South Park was actually depicting the restaurant as it actually was. There was really a “Black Bart’s Cave” and fucking cliff divers? Mind blown.

Anybody in Portland, OR area that likes Malaysian street food should try Oma’s Hideaway. Ridiculously good food and not expensive. Also, mostly laid back and not pretentious. The music kind of sucked for my tastes, but many of you would like it based on the horrible walruses that I’ve seen here.


@sriracha has a buddy that owns this I think. I ate there one work trip recently and agree 100%.

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Small world.

The chef was also recently a James Beard finalist for best chef in Portland, which is how I ended up trying it. (My buddy that I did a recent wine tasting trip of WV with is a foody and he insisted that we eat at Oma’s the one night we spent in Portland.)

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Cliffs on Malaysian street food/recs?

First time for me other than stuff my friend has made me and I don’t remember the names. But here is what I wrote about our meal at Oma’s:

We got Roti Canai, Sweet Potato Dumplings, Pork Ribs, Wonton Mee and coconut rice to soak up the extra curries from the Roti Canai and Dumplings dishes. Split between two of us this was pretty perfect. I didn’t think any of the wine selections were great for the food so I just drank pilsners which was perfect imo.

It was all fantastic except for the Wonton Mee, which was too salty and too much fish or shrimp sauce for my tastes. Could be that it is normally fantastic and somebody just had a heavy hand that day. Anyway, everything else was like smack you across the face amazing.

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They are picky about music

Tom Duffly! Best Chef PNW finalist, didn’t win though. He was kind of a hot mess when I worked with him, he’s since sobered up and is crushing it.

He always made the best family meal, which consisted of recipes and techniques from his SE Asian heritage. We’d joke that he should open a restaurant and cook family meal for guests. Now he’s basically doing that!

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Honestly, it was one of the most enjoyable meals that I’ve ever had. Like a certain top 10.

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I haven’t been to any Malaysian restaurant where I liked their wine so I also always stick to beer.


Don’t know about those places but the dude here who bakes amazing bread using local wheat finally won Best Baker on his third nomination. Pretty surreal as he started in his garage and then moved to a small bakeshop where previously we would just walk in and have a chat with him while getting our bread (usually after waiting in line for 5-20 minutes; I hear they’re a lot longer lately but haven’t been in a while).

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I was able to snag a reservation cancellation at Pujol for their Omakase Taco Bar. It was voted the 6th best restaurant in the world this year.

Reviews on Google are pretty underwhelming to be honest. Might try and go to Quintonil instead.

i ate a lot of great food in basque and asturias, i’ll try to reduce my photos to a reasonable collage. in the meantime enjoy this pic of something i’ve never had before. it was at a one star mich place, although they didn’t do any culinary tricks to it, and it was delicious.

once you remove the outer layer, this little critter is inside

gooseneck barnacle


So what is it? Mushroom?

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