The French Laundry & Other Great Dining Experiences

10 AM PST on the first of each month for reservations in the following month.

Two ways to get in, 1) through, and 2) using some kind of concierge service.

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1st of the month for the following month.

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Right, see above for the non-stroke having version of this response.


Thanks guys. Live reasonably close and my wife and I have put off doing nice anniversary things for about 10 years because of med school and residency. Donā€™t think weā€™ll be ready to properly travel for awhile, but I think we could really enjoy a break from the baby in a few months.

I especially think my wife might go crazy as a stay at home mom. Weā€™ll see.

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Vacations in Kyiv are on sale for massive discounts right now.


If you prefer your answer in musical form:


If you have an Amex platinum and give them a few months notice thereā€™s a good shot they can get you a table.

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Forgot to @grue on this

Not sure actually since my ā€œfriendsā€ set it up so not sure if they were called but Iā€™d kinda think these sorts of places donā€™t call you and just assume youā€™re going to show up.

if any of you are going through Seattle, please check out Communion.

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I really miss the quality and price of Asian cuisine from my trip to the PNW. Indyā€™s asan food scene is so lacking compared to that.

Me and 2 buddies got stuffed on a $120 bill that consisted of 30+ dumplings and 2 bottles of sake where Iā€™m about to spend $30 on 8 soup dumplings.


Any chance you can run up to Chicagoā€™s Chinatown?

I will next trip if you tell me itā€™s worth it!

There are some reasonable Asian options in Chicago that are not in any way catering to white people.

I havenā€™t had Chinese food in Chicago in a long time, but I can think only one good Chinese restaurant that Iā€™ve ever been to there. Maybe it is different now.

Iā€™m happy with stuff like the dim sum at MingHin or the xiaolongbao at Hing Kee. Ymmv

The couple next to us cut their soup dumplings in half before eating themā€¦ RIP.

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i sometimes do that. they are served way too hot.

Take a bit of the corner and let the juice drop in the spoon. It cools down and you get the deliciousness.

Order more than one thing and eat the other thing first?