The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Maybe Rudy or the My Pillow guy.

Serious guess: Tim Scott

Rudy, nah. He’s just too sweaty and inky.

Lindell is a good call. But I suspect Trump privately thinks he’s a bit “nutty”.

Not a chance. Trump isn’t picking anyone “they” want.

Coach tuberville would make the perfect running mate

MTG. True believer, non white male, his enemies hate her, college graduate somehow.

Pence was really the perfect VP for him, a stupid sycophant that sucked up to him non stop and provided absolutely no push back on anything. Another one of those.

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Why not deSantis? Why should he pick a risky fight with Trump when he can take the VP → POTUS route?

Because Trump throws everybody under the bus at some point.

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Good call.

“And they say I hate women….[gestures towards Greene]”

Don’t think this is a thing anymore after Trump.

At least while he’s alive.

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Still think most of you are underestimating Tim Scott, but the Stefanik idea isn’t bad.

i was thinking that about Stefanik, because she’s trmpy AND also establishment, but i can’t remember last time a rep went straight onto a general election ticket.

Paul Ryan

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John Nance Garner aka Cactus Jack

William Jennings Bryan

James Garfield

His VP pick will probably be a proud boy.

oh yeah. that was before he became speaker

Is Tim Scott a True Believer? I’d have to think that only a hard-core MAGA would tie him or herself to Trump at this point.