The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

She nails it

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DeSantis’ line will be “even if the 2020 election was stolen, Trump wasn’t good enough to have a decisive victory against senile Joe. I would have beat him so badly that it would have been impossible to steal, and that’s what I plan to do now.”

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He won’t say those words, but agree with the rest.

Good point. It will be “the 2020 election was stolen, but Trump wasn’t good enough to have a decisive victory…”

Is DeSantis still getting corporate political donations after he says that the 2020 election was stolen?

Yes, but not from Disney

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Narrator. President desantis in fact got considerable donations from Disney.


One thing I still can’t get over

Desantis was 49.6%
Andrew Gillum was 49.2%

Fucking Florida, how do you keep fucking the country over by the slimmest of margins


When you cheat you only cheat to win by the smallest of margins?

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Also Florida overwhelmingly passed a constitutional amendment that would make it a ~permanent blue state (voting rights for ppl with felony convictions) only for the legislature to go “LOL no.”

Well if they don’t like it they should just vote the legislature out.

With love,
John Roberts

Man I really don’t know about this guy making it two more years.



Would be pretty sweet if Trump dies right before the election and the eDems have to scrap their entire Orange Man Bad strategy. All the capital they’ve blown with these useless hearings just wasted as they try to figure out how to run against DeSantis.

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Gomers never die

Trump dying like two days before the Election and still winning would be peak America tbf.


Only if his VP candidate is somehow even worse.

Anyone venture a guess as to Trump’s VP. He got saddled with RNC pick Pence last time, but he’s far far more powerful now than he was several years ago.

I think there’s a decent chance he picks Don Junior.

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Ivanka, more likely.

I think he respects Ivanka too much to have her as Veep.