The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!



About 5 years late with the pretending to get it bit, Steve.

Inskeep: Hello, Mr. President.

Trump: Steve-o! You still with that loser network?

Inskeep: I’m at NPR, Sir.

Trump: Sad!

Inskeep: Shall we proceed with the interview, Sir?

Trump: You know, I like it when you call me Sir. Hannity, he calls me Sir all the time. “Sir, he says, can I get you a diet coke? Sir, you were robbed in 2020. Sir, you’ll be re-elected in a landslide.” Give me a few Sirs like those, Steve. Then we’ll start.

Inskeep: Well Sir, I don’t think I can do that.

Trump: Sure you can, Steve-o. Tell you what, call me back when you have something nice to say, you stupid NPR fuck. *click*


I would laugh like a hyena if this happened.

Inskeep is kind of a prick, I wouldn’t be shocked if he slides some smug backhanded comment in there right before he gets hung up on


Another wegothim.gif

Narrator. 2060. After the end of 32 years of republinazi rule, the late President was convicted of all the crimes he committed and he was disinterred from his gold lined resting place next to JFK at Arlington and dumped in a construction site hole in Queens.


This is the day Trump finally became President……

But seriously this instinct to know when to zag when dumbass R elites cosplaying as RWNJs are following the lemmings off the cliff is why he dominates the R party. Trump is the most convincing RWNJ 90% of the time but then that 10% of the time he is like c’mon guys you are just being dumb on that one, are you a moron or what?

Other example that comes to mind is when he owned Ted Cruz on healthcare with “not going to let people die in the streets” and Cruz was just like “but, but… that is what Democrats say!”


Let me guess. Right after that, he gave himself credit for inventing the vaccines.

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Trump is even better than this at manipulating morons. He both zigs and zags at the same time and that leaves everyone with something they can agree with. An important lesson of the current political culture is that no one gets punished for inconsistency as long as they don’t apologize for it. Guys like Mitt got hammered for limp backsliding and flip flopping because he doesn’t have the childish impulse to say “So what? Fuck you! And whaddabout Hillary! AMIRITE” the way that Donnie Dumb Dumb does.

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Old people who start talking like this tend to go pretty fast. Maybe he knows its time

“Whether you had it or not”

Good advice, numb fuck

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Couple of things to ask about there, Mr. President. Let’s start with the politics. Is it a disadvantage for Republicans to keep talking about the 2020 election in 2022?

No, I think it’s an advantage, because otherwise they’re going to do it again in '22 and '24. And Rounds is wrong on that, totally wrong. If you look at the numbers, if you look at the findings in Arizona, if you look at what’s going on in Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, by the way — and take a look at Wisconsin — they’re finding things that nobody thought possible. This was a corrupt election.
I just have to point out Doug Logan — to name one of the states that you just named — Doug Logan, who ran the audit in Arizona that was set up by your allies, didn’t find serious problems. This is a quote. “The ballots that were provided to us to count in the Coliseum very accurately correlate with the official canvass numbers.” He raised a bunch of administrative issues but didn’t find a problem that would have changed the result at all.

The ballots may correspond, but look at the ballots themselves. The number of ballots doesn’t mean anything. It’s who signed the ballots, where did the ballots come from. What you really have to do in that report is look at the findings. And the findings are devastating for Arizona. They’re devastating like nobody’s seen before –

Why did — why did your —

– And other states are just as bad.

Why did Republican officials in Arizona accept the results then?

Because they’re RINOs, and frankly, a lot of people are questioning that. Why would they? They fought very hard, the Maricopa County people. And people don’t understand it, because all you have to do is look at the findings.

And, just so you know, some of those people went before Congress a short while ago, and they were grilled by Congressman Biggs. You ought to take a look at their testimony. They weren’t able to answer anything. He made them look like fools. They couldn’t answer a thing. They got up and gave a beautiful statement. And then when it came time to ask, why this? Why that? What about these votes? What about those votes? They look like total fools.

Let me read you some short quotes. The first is by one of the judges, one of the 10 judges you appointed, who ruled on this. And there were many judges, but 10 who you appointed. Brett Ludwig, U.S. District Court in Wisconsin, who was nominated by you in 2020. He’s on the bench, and he says, quote, "This court allowed the plaintiff the chance to make his case, and he has lost on the merits."

Another quote, Kory Langhofer, your own campaign attorney in Arizona, Nov. 12, 2020, quote , “We are not alleging fraud in this lawsuit. We are not alleging anyone stealing the election.” And also Rudy Giuliani, your lawyer, Nov. 18, 2020, in Pennsylvania, quote, “This is not a fraud case.” Your own lawyers had no evidence of fraud, they said in court they had no evidence of fraud, and the judges ruled against you every time on the merits.

It was too early to ask for fraud and to talk about fraud. Rudy said that, because of the fact it was very early with the — because that was obviously at a very, very — that was a long time ago. The things that have found out have more than bore out what people thought and what people felt and what people found.

When you look at Langhofer, I disagree with him as an attorney. I did not think he was a good attorney to hire. I don’t know what his game is, but I will just say this: You look at the findings. You look at the number of votes. Go into Detroit and just ask yourself, is it true that there are more votes than there are voters? Look at Pennsylvania. Look at Philadelphia. Is it true that there were far more votes than there were voters?

It is not true that there were far –

Gee, that’s a pretty tough thing to –

It is not true.

That’s a pretty tough problem.

It is not true that there were far more votes than voters. There was an early count. I’ve noticed you’ve talked about this in rallies and you’ve said, reportedly, this is true. I think even you know that that was an early report that was corrected later.

Well, you take a look at it. You take a look at Detroit. In fact, they even had a hard time getting people to sign off on it because it was so out of balance. They called it out of balance. So you take a look at it. You know the real truth, Steve, and this election was a rigged election.
Why is it that you think that the vast majority of your allies in the United States Senate are not standing behind you? We did have that statement by Mike Rounds.

Because Mitch McConnell is a loser. And frankly, Mitch McConnell, if he were on the other side and if Schumer were put in his position, he would have been fighting this like you’ve never seen before. He would have been fighting this, because when you look at it, and this is long — is a long way from over. You take a look at what’s going on now in Pennsylvania. Take a look at what’s going on in Wisconsin. You just take a look.

Now, we had a lot of cases where the judges wouldn’t hear him. We had a case in Nevada that was so good. You read the papers. It’s impossible. The judge refused to even listen to it. We had many cases. In fact, they say, and I can’t testify because it’s been through a lot of systems, a lot of different systems. But they say, and they say very strongly, the judges just — nobody’s really gotten a chance to look. Look at the United States Supreme Court. They refused to hear the case. And you had, I guess, 19 states suing –

They said, there was no standing to give the case. That’s correct. Can I just ask –

Well, yeah, no standing, I know, no standing. And the president of the United States supposedly didn’t have standing, either. So I wanted to file it myself. They said, “Sir, you don’t have standing.” I said, “Wait a minute. I’m the president of the United States. They just rigged an election.” Hundreds of thousands of votes in different states. They just rigged an election. We got — we got a number of votes that, I think you’ll agree — no sitting president has ever gotten the number of votes that I got. No sitting president has ever gotten –

Lot of votes. That’s true. In — lot of — lot of — you –

No sitting president. Do you — I — nobody believes. You think Biden got 80 million votes? Because I don’t believe it.
It’s true — it’s true that you got more than any sitting president in the election you’ve disputed.

You mean he got them sitting in his basement. He got 80 — how come he couldn’t — then how come Biden –

If I can, Mr. President, Mr. President.

Let me ask you this question. How come Biden couldn’t attract 20 people for a crowd? How come when he went to speak in different locations, nobody came to watch, but all of a sudden he got 80 million votes? Nobody believes that, Steve. Nobody believes that.

If you’ll forgive me, maybe because the election was about you. If I can just move on to ask, are you telling Republicans in 2022 that they must press your case on the past election in order to get your endorsement? Is that an absolute?

They are going to do whatever they want to do — whatever they have to do, they’re going to do. But the ones that are smart — the ones that know, you take a look at. Again, you take a look at how Kari Lake is doing, running for governor. She’s very big on this issue. She’s leading by a lot. People have no idea how big this issue is, and they don’t want it to happen again. It shouldn’t be allowed to happen, and they don’t want it to happen again.

I want to –

And the only way it’s not going to happen again is you have to solve the problem of the presidential rigged election of 2020.

Mr. President, if I –

So Steve, thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Woah, woah, woah, I have one more question. I want to ask about a court hearing yesterday on Jan. 6. Judge Amit Mehta … He’s gone. OK.




Man I can’t do this shit again. Reading that put me in physical pain.

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He runs interviewers over and cuts it short if there’s push-back. It’s simple but effective.

I’m with you, man. I can’t handle another election cycle and 4 years of him as president. Going to have to completely tune out to keep my sanity.

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