The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

He always says stuff like “look at the findings,” “look at the evidence,” “the findings are devastating,” but nobody really ever tells him, “You say this shit all the time, you say there is all this fucking evidence of the elections being rigged, but you never actually produce it. Show us the evidence or shut the fuck up already.”


“You’re being incredibly rude, this interview is done.” Swivels in chair and pretends to read papers at desk


The “look whats happening in Pennsylvania. Look whats happening in Wisconsin. If you just look at…” shit is so frustrating. Yet it is so effective because that’s all the rubes need to hear to know 100% that there is evidence the election was stolen. Never need to back up those statements because he knows the people he’s trying to convince will never actually “look at it”.


Reading this, now understanding that he got my dad with this. His argument is sure, they matched the ballots with the voting records. But you can’t prove that the Ds didn’t illegally create the ballots through whatever nefarious scheme you can come up with, the RINOs didn’t even try to look into that. Maybe it was some kind of outright fraud, maybe it was vote buying, just let your imagination run wild! Trump is relying on the fact that you can’t prove a negative.

What’s the irrefutable proof though? That there is no way that 81 million people would vote for a loser like Joe Biden. No way, just look at his rallies!

Great decision to give the tiny-fingered vulgarian free air time.

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The drinks follow the grandiose theme – at least in terms of the pricing, which is extortionate. The Forty Five – a whiskey with syrup and bitters, served with two small hamburgers and, bizarrely, a Diet Coke – is $45. The Flotus – a potent white wine and gin ensemble that could hint at Melania’s lack of activity while in the White House – is $29.

The Mar-a-Lago spritzer, named after the Florida resort where Trump has been holed up since he left office, is a grift almost on a par with Trump University. The drink consists of white wine, soda water, and grapefruit juice. It is served with an orange wedge, and costs $29.

Hopefully for the beleaguered former president, his well-wishers will visit the bar at more suitable hours. But some of his vaccine-skeptical supporters will face a major obstacle, in the form of a big blue sign at the bar’s entrance.

“New York City requires you to be vaccinated against Covid-19 to enter this business,” it says. “Those five and older must show proof of Covid-19 vaccination.”




I think this is the first time in a year that Trump’s actually had to face any direct challenge to his BS. In the meantime, Giuliani’s been disbarred.

He sounds a lot more coherent in the broadcast segment than he is in the transcript. He’s still got the magic.



I mean, he’s not wrong. A good portion of that 81 million voted “not trump”. Didn’t really matter who the D candidate was.

That is why it works and some stupid high percentage of R voters think the 2020 election was not fair and that our democracy is crumbling while the D voters yawn about Rs storming the Capitol and assume everything will be just fine.

Dude really is a Master Persuader (of morons).

John Roberts has a higher approval rating among Democrats than Republicans

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You’re supposed to say “Our Beloved John Roberts”.

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DeSantis is really good at this.

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I still think he’s undervalued on PI. Desantis is going to run circles around whatever clown the Dems nominate, it’s all a question of whether he can poach MAGA chuds from Trump.

Desantis gets wafflecrushed by Trump in a primary.

Yeah I think it would be suicide for him to take Trump on now, Trump would ruin him and tarnish his future. Right now he’s preparing in case Trump bows out, or I think it’s possible he’d accept VP/heir apparent.

desantis is already playing the long game, something trmp cannot do because of who he is. desantis is the easiest higher EV bet