The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

pretty sure when she called OANN “literal Russian propaganda” they sued her, and her lawyer said she was using rhetorical hyperbole in her opinion show so the judge threw it out.

What exactly is the difference between that and telling the non-voting interested party “Hey, since you arent interested in voting, you should just vote for X, Ill just stand over your shoulder and watch while you do.”


OK, well that seems a bit different. My understanding (and I may be wrong) is what the others are claiming is more along the lines of their entire show is “obviously” not factual.

From Axios. Not sure if this was a written statement or spontaneous hot air.

“Biden, who is destroying our Nation with insane policies of open Borders, corrupt Elections, disastrous energy policies, unconstitutional mandates, and devastating school closures, used my name today to try to further divide America,” Trump said, even though Biden didn’t specifically say his name in the speech.

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for sure, there are varying degrees. but it’s still not a good look for maddow to be using the “no rational person would believe the statement i made is factual” (which is what the rhetorical hyperbole legal definition is) defense for something said on her “news” show…

Yeah, but seems kind of forced. Is it that big a meme? Anyway, the birds aren’t real guy responded.


Wonder if Maggie’s Publicist checks cleared?

Legal action always works!

What legal principle are they going with here, no backsies?

The legal principal of if you don’t pay me I will testify against you.

Ok but the obvious counter is lol go ahead, coffee boy.

Pillsbury added that while it seemed obvious that many of the claims were patently false, Trump was inclined to believe them, in part because he was watching them on TV

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We got him?

shocked picachu. truth social won’t be up for months

Former president Donald Trump’s upstart social network is probably months away from being fully operational, potentially limiting his ability to influence the midterm elections, according to people familiar with the fledgling operation.

The pace of development for Truth Social has at times frustrated Trump, who has discussed but ultimately turned down opportunities to work with other platforms in the fast-growing universe of right-wing social media sites, said three people familiar with the discussions, who like others in this article spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters. He is holding out for his own venture, which he believes will be more lucrative and gives him more control, advisers say.


LOL can you imagine being stupid enough to think literally anything will happen to these people

MSNBC doing massive work for Pelosi / Schumer / Biden / Garland and the rest of them, truly incredible anyone buys this nonsense

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I meant it with full irony.

I know