The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

There are no Gaetz’ or similar. The committe controls the narrative. Should be fine. ?? @SweetSummerChild ??

Keep reminding the public that absolutely nothing is going to happen to any of the principles involved with 1/6, great idea.

I guess but the range of outcomes is going to go from complete indifference from the general public to the public seeing how bland and procedural these committees are and coming to the incorrect conclusion that it’s all routine boring stuff and there’s no real threat to democracy. There is no possibility of the outcome that Dems seem to be hoping for. They are not impressive people that stir emotions. If anyone succeeds in getting their point across forcefully and stirring people to action, it will be the deplorables that they hand a microphone to on national TV.


lol, you dumb fucks.


We can expect some bombshells at 2:30 today!

How about “I resign effective immediately.”


He’ll go Comey and announce “Joe Biden and the far-left radical democrats have privately pressured me to use the Justice system to illegally retaliate against their political enemies for using their god-given right to free speech which they expressed on January 6 of last year”


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Trump may have cancelled the Jan 6 press conference but he’s still got a rally coming up on the 15th, where he says he’ll let it rip. Location is Florence, AZ, a city known to me primarily as the site of the state prison.

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It’s actually a nice scenic drive to go through Florence if you have some extra time and want to avoid the interstate between Phoenix and Tucson. But don’t stop for hitchhikers!

Florence Arizona is also, of course, the name of Nathan Arizona’s wife in Raising Arizona.

Didn’t pick up on that, lol. I’ve been there a few times, last time on a road trip with a friend. It’s been a while though.



melania has all the leverage right now. a trmp divorce is exactly the thing he doesn’t want coming out in 2024

How can we be sure Trump 2024: The Old Fat Stupid Rape-y Racist Bachelor Grabs America by the Pussy Campaign wouldn’t be a big hit?

Wait, wat? When?

Post-Trump government PSA

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Joe’s Jan 6th speech right now surprisingly good.

Unless he’s announcing indictments or the firing of Merrick Garland, I really DGAF.


Still, an upgrade over yesterday when Biden helpfully suggested people google “Find a COVID test” if they were struggling with that problem.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1478761964327297026|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

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