The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Because information about the number of rooms for each trip and rates are redacted, and the accompanying expenses include little identifying information, it is difficult to calculate how much taxpayer money went to the Trump Hotel for these trips, and how much it exceeded normal government-approved rates (which ranged from $172-242 in the DC region during FY 2017). However, charges at the Trump International Hotel corresponding or close to the dates for the approved trips total over $38,000—and could be far more. One thing we do know is that while Eric Trump infamously claimed that the Trump Organization charged the Secret Service “like $50” when traveling to protect the president, on many occasions Trump properties charged the Secret Service above typical rates, including for Eric Trump’s own travel.

My wife has to set up a new phone for her elderly jackass dad. As soon as it came online these started coming in

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The abusive tone to their donors is so weird. It has to work, but how!

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The entire ethos of MAGA is idolizing an abusive strong man.


Please tell me she opted him out and deleted the texts? Those texts and emails are simultaneously absolutely hilarious and completely maddening. The juvenile anger in the fundraising is so funny and pathetic, but knowing that they are draining old people of their savings is pretty depressing.

Its no different than the Indian scammers who call and trick them into thinking they got a giant refund when they didnt and beg them to repay in gift cards. Its absolutely elder abuse.


Everyone should watch some kitboga scam baiting videos because they are funny but this is the sop. Once they think they’ve got you hooked they often turn real mean. On his twitch steam he even has an emote for ‘you will be behind the bars’ because they threaten that so often.

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The number of times they call what they believe to be an 80+ year old woman a fucking bitch and threaten to kill her is astounding

Well, her father doesn’t have any money, so they’re not getting any from him. So we kind of like the idea of their robots continuing to send these useless texts to him, and him feeling shame that they’re so angry at him and there’s nothing he can do about it. With all the times he let his family down, might as well let the Trumps join the club.


I get more from Jim Browning’s videos. He fucks with them good.

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C’mon heart attack! Let’s have a grabber!

This fucking guy is such an indictment on America and my so called countrymen I could just put my head through the wall and scream bloody murder and mash the Submit button why oh why does it have to be this way


I could see Trump collapsing on stage and the audience reaction being similar to this…


I’m genuinely surprised nobody out there with terminal cancer or something has not tried to get him.

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If they had and were thwarted, would we be sure to hear about it? I could imagine the secret service not wanting to provide any details for a variety of reasons.

I didn’t hear word 1 from the orange idiot. I just like the stream and the host and that show, the pregame and revulsion at the entire spectacle unfolding. Jabba came out, handing out hats, and that was all for me.


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lol like he would know how much food costs

Guy has never been to a supermarket he didn’t attempt to buy

I love how he riles up his cult with inflammatory rhetoric only to finish with a jovial, “Enjoy your day!!!”

Your country is being stolen by browns and you have no money to buy gas so pick up an assault rifle and take your homeland back but make sure you do it with a smile!

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