The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Agreed about Bill Clinton but what do you think about Donald Trump?

Honestly do get how 90s Clinton haters must have felt now, he was the precursor for Trump in some ways, total scumbag but could never touch him because “the people” always sided with him due to charisma.

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Got to be even worse. Like Trump’s a huge piece of shit, but he’s also a big piece of shit at being lazy as fuck. I mean that adds to the annoyance, him being lazy and still winning at America, but Clinton was out there putting up body counts in the dozens and philandering his way through the secretary and intern pool while being governor and President.

They were both womanizers (or worse), but that’s about where the comparisons end. Trump stokes racism, xenophobia, and bigotry like no leader in our history ever has. The damage done by normalizing this type of rhetoric will carry on long after Trump is gone. There’s a straight line between Trump and 10 dead people in Buffalo. And that’s just one example.



Totally normal statement leading up to a peaceful transfer of power

Old guys tend to lose weight on an almost exponential basis for each year they remain alive. There are very very very few fat ass 80 year olds

I may suggest the reason for this isn’t that getting old is magic weight loss formula.

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100% correct, so fat guys who want to live eventually have no choice and that shit starts falling off fast

I don’t think that’s it. A lot of olds just stop eating normally

Thats a good point. “normally” in this case being the shit we eat that makes us big fat asses.

I mean, I’m pushing 40 and a lot of the shit I ate to turn me into a big fat ass is quickly losing its appeal. Red meat more than once a week doesn’t agree with me. Sugar makes me feel like shit. White flour products have started to feel pasty and gummy lately.

Regarding the dearth of fat old guys.



Survivorship bias.

It’s a famous picture of a pretty cool example. The UK military was losing too many planes and wanted to reinforce their armor. They studied airplanes that had returned to base to see where they had most commonly been hit, shown with this picture. A person’s snap intuition might be to reinforce those areas–the data shows that they’re most commonly hit, after all. But instead, the correct answer is to reinforce the areas that showed no damage, because planes hit in those areas never made it back to base and therefore weren’t available to be sampled.


Thanks. It was pretty obvious that surivorship bias was the whole point of the fat convo, but I’d never seen that photo before or heard the story.

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The drawing is usually associated with the work of Abraham Wald. It’s not clear what data he had or its source but a lot of people were working on similar problems and probably came to similar conclusions even if their ideas weren’t as fully developed. Here’s Freeman Dyson commenting on the group he worked in:

The part of this series of videos where he talks about the bombing campaigns is eye-opening, even today.

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These people are just copying Trumps random capitalization idea but switching to bold type. I hope he sues.


I mean it’s definitely easier for me to follow

But I don’t think that’s only the case for neurodivergent people. Probably applies to everyone.