The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Nice summary

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So what can even happen here? If he fights this and drags it out and ultimately loses, heā€™s then FORCED to register as a foreign agent?

Cue the chorus from fox news ā€œleft wing witch huntā€, ā€œpolitical prosecutionā€, etc.

Mike Flynn is the case study right?

Could be. Did he go to jail for lying to the FBI? Iā€™m no lawyer and donā€™t know what the penalties ultimately could be for not registering under FARA. Six figure fine would really show him.

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He became more famous and spun it into a right wing grift with no consequences iirc.

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Flynn case was a mess. He originally agreed to plea to lying to the FBI. Then he got new lawyers (Sidney Powell) and tried to withdraw the plea while alleging FBI misconduct. Then the original DOJ lawyers left the case and the new ones tried to drop the charges, but the Judge wanted them to explain why the charges were being dropped. Ultimately, Trump pardoned him before any sentence was handed down.

Trump era was wild, yā€™all.


I knew it was a shitfight, but thanks for specifying the colors, trajectories, and speeds of the shit thrown. Sounds like the justice system was humming along as designed.

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Optimistic tense selection.


Not necessarily. No reason there canā€™t be multiple Trump eras.

I guess if youā€™re saying weā€™re still Trump era right now, I suppose thatā€™s not an entirely unreasonable way to look at things.

My new favorite pic of our previous POTUS. Literally at the omelette bar, loitering around waiting for some Miami Beach flan-hued, cake makeup real estate trophy wife to harass about rigged elections as she saves her painful effort to smile through botox for the $500 selfie. The gauche, graceless slob got his bland ham and cheese omelette on a tacky gold-leaf plate, looking to splatter ketchup all over it. Just have a massive heart attack and pass away already.


It is truly astounding how classless he is. He orders his steak well done, case closed.

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Maybe itā€™s the angle, but it looks like he has lost some weight.

isnā€™t that picture from like 4 years ago?

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Look at his stupid, drowsy face. Itā€™s probably 11:45am. Got his mouth open to suck wind because that Sudafed snorting busted out his septum and itā€™s buzzing and wheezing like a kazoo. After he strikes out trying to start a ā€œlock her upā€ chant at some random wedding reception itā€™s up to private quarters for a pre-round diaper change. All the while, all day nothing but praise and adulation.


I honestly donā€™t know when this picture was taken


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Iā€™ll never be at peace after experiencing this fucking guy. Like it has shaken my entire experience of being alive to the point Iā€™m not sure I can enjoy life ever again as part of this society. Just the absolute biggest piece of shit imaginable, truly disgusting in every fucking way. With complete impunity. And after getting away with all of it he spends his time crashing failson weddings.


Ha, some of these are pretty good. The picture is higher quality there, can see the cheapness of the place. I like this one

Sliver lining?