The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I dunno, being a mom is hard and it just doesn’t feel like the thing to go after when there’s just so much else. But anyway, I’m just feeling pissy and maybe I misread it.

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aww even in spanish I see that cute kid meme

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Wait what? She’s the daughter of a billionaire and married to a billionaire. It couldn’t be that hard! Her entire brand is based around her being a working parent and every interview she gives is about her parenting skills.

Looks like she’s really struggling!

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Mocking the homeless is what it looks like to me.

Can’t drag her ass outside and camp like a normal person.

Doesn’t she actually say it in Spanish in the original commercial?

And there is no parent on earth that needs to be given the idea to setup a tent type structure inside. Ask any 4 year old.


Is Melania one of those wealthy women who’s going to get weird plastic surgery until she basically looks like a puma?

She already looks like an alien

Melania seems is awful but I’m surprised she hasn’t filed for divorce yet. She seems to have no interest in her husband whatsoever. I’m not sure what kind of prenup they have, although given her husbands reputation when it comes to honoring contracts who knows how much it matters. But it seems she has enough name recognition to succeed on her own. She’s be pretty welcomed in centrist resistance circles along with every other Trump admin insider that decides the right time to out all of Trump’s unethical and national security risking behaviors is when their book comes out.

She’s already put in almost 25 years, might as well stick around a few more hoping the hamburgers finally do their job and she gets everything instead of half.


Why would anyone give this life up lol

“She goes to the spa, has lunch, goes to the spa (again) and has dinner with Donald on the patio,” said one person familiar with Melania Trump’s schedule at Mar-a-Lago, her home in Palm Beach, Florida. “Rinse and repeat. Every day.”

Another person familiar with her daily routine confirms Trump’s affinity for the private club’s spa facilities, noting it is not unusual for her to spend several hours a day there, enjoying the benefits at her disposal, often going twice in a 24-hour period, for massages, nail care, facial treatments or other items on the menu.

Lol who says lawyers can’t be funny

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God Trump says yes to everything. He’s walking proof that if you’re born rich enough it’s physically impossible to go busto no matter how hard you try.

I think this is why Donnie Dumb Dumb can be shown to have less wealth than if he had just invested the money did dad gave him in a generic S&P 500 index. The system is so tilted toward helping rich people that even if you’re objectively bad at business you still make money and become delusional about your business acumen.


Can’t imagine that most of his $$ isn’t going to the failkids. But still sticking around and draining the $$ as much as possible probably has utility too.

Nah Jared and Ivanka are off the payroll with all the sweet, crude Saud money.

Yes, that Steve Wynn

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