The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

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definitely sounds low energy. wouldnā€™t be surprised if he were begging for a bump at the bus terminal

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ā€œDELETE AFTER READINGā€ :joy:. I find these emails so fascinating. Like are there really people dumb enouā€¦ah who am I kidding, of course there are.

Steal $1.03 million get fined $750,000. Itā€™s good work if you can get it. America is broken top to bottom.


If Trump gets elected again, maybe drug cartels can save us by killing Trump before he uses missiles on them.

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I feel like the sky is going to open up into some kind of giant dimensional tear if Trump ever truly faces an appropriate consequence for his uncountable shitty actions

Lol thatā€™s amazing. Basically calling everything bullshit except firing missiles into Mexico which gets a no comment. Thatā€™s going to be a big hit on the MAGA rally trail.

Heā€™s going to say instead of giving javelins to Ukraine we should ā€œgiveā€ them to Mexico, but when he says give you know what he really means. The crowds will roar.

he didnā€™t deny q4 either



This article is petty and I love it.


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This was not Javankaā€™s only major offense. Months later, the same anonymous neighbor encountered the couple and their 5-year-old son, Theodore, on the beach. After some pleasantries were exchanged about fish, Ivanka demonstrated her subpar mothering skills (in the neighborā€™s estimation) when she let the boy play in the ocean by himself :

Ivanka indicated she wouldnā€™t be swimming, but Theodore hurried into the ocean. The neighbor was immediately concerned.

ā€œIā€™m thinking, Why is this boy in the water alone on a boogie board with this moderate rip current? Iā€™m a mother, and I would never let my child alone in the water like that.ā€

Sure enough, young Theodore began drifting from shore, prompting Jared to run in after him.

ā€œSlenderman moves quick,ā€ the neighbor quips.


I donā€™t get it, are people liking this post because they think it shows this woman is a poor mother? gtfo with that, go highlight some of the myriad business or political crimes, this is crap

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My guess is for calling Jared slender man.

Dude from Subway?
Anyway thatā€™s a long ā€œIā€™m thinkingā€ from that anonymous neighbor.