The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I refuse to look it up but I’m going to assume that their recommendation would go to Kemps DA aka a black hole

Deutsche Bank gets basically searched every other year or so. :yawning_face:

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Sounds like someone is getting CANCELLED for committing some light fraud.


Dan’s just jealous that he didn’t think of doing that with someone else’s name himself.

That’s why his response is so weak. It’s the strongly worded letter of the Republicans.

That doesn’t sound like freespeach to me.

It’s not free speech, it’s FREEZE PEACH!

:ice_cube: :peach:


The tried and true American tradition of paying some small fraction of the money you stole and otherwise getting away with it


The payment is nearly three-quarters of the $1.03 million that Attorney General Karl Racine said the nonprofit inaugural committee “dramatically” overpaid to rent event space at the hotel, including for a private party for Trump’s adult children on the night Trump became president.

The same old shit. Trump gets a discounted bill and nothing else happens; how many decades has he done this with contractors? Also, wasn’t there more like $100M involved in his inauguration fund that wasn’t properly accounted for? Jesus fucking christ this country and rich white guys fucking hell

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What are the odds they actually pay? 25%?


Won’t his campaign just pay for it? Or his inaugural committee. Or some other entity that won’t involve taking any money from any Trumps.

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Trump raises more money than the entire Republican Party. He has like $150 million on hand in his PAC and hilariously makes the party pay his legal expenses. There is an absolutely limitless supply of idiots giving him money.


Nothing that comes out now about Trump surprises me, but I never get accustomed to the absurdity of having this stump-dumb dolt conman grifter in charge of our armed forces

Just fucking lob some missiles in there and we’ll deny it, what’s the issue? PROBLEM SOLVED. BUSINESSMAN. GENIUS.


Another fucker that kept there mouth shut to sell books in the future. Bring me my guillotine.


Trump isn’t smarter than your typical Republican voter and they probably think Biden is weak on foreign policy because he won’t do something similar in Ukraine.

Not disagreeing with you, but I don’t know if any of this coming out at the time would’ve resulted in anything. Shaking down Ukraine and a coup attempt didn’t even get him.

EDIT: What does kill me is this fucking guy is on the direct track back to POTUS as is

They still have a moral and ethical obligation.

And of course these are the same moralists over abortion.


To be fair, this is basically how the Mexican-American war started.