The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

hunter eventually getting arrested but the trump and kids getting away with all that shit

yeah that makes sense it shouldn’t but it does

“These fucking lists were so insane and unworkable,” said one former Trump White House official who had to personally deal with the Thomas-supplied memos and Trump’s fascination with them. “A lot of them were dripping with paranoia and read like they were written by a disturbed person.”

Hmm, I wonder why that would be.


хванахме го

(We got him in Bulgarian)

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It’s not illegal to argue that the vice president has the power to delay certification.

It’s all so stupid. Some big investigation to try to prove what, that the president participated in trying to overturn the election? He readily admits that already.

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It can be if used as a pretext to disrupt an official proceeding. (If the arguer knew it was false.)

The difficulty is proving beyond a reasonable doubt how much of January 6 was planned and how much was spontaneous dumbfuckery.

I read a book on federal prosecutions called The Chickenshit Club, arguing that prosecutors who win 100% of the time are chickenshit and don’t try enough difficult or borderline cases. I’d be more than happy to let a jury decide if Rudy, Eastman, Powell, Flynn, Trump, etc. should be convicted. All I want is a fair trial.

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So this. Only in America could a guy confess many times and brag about his corruption and then have the whole legal apparatus say “but how can we possibly prove it!” 🤷

Lawyers are good at generating billable hours.

I don’t want a fair trial. I want a trial timed to maximize political gain.

I love how there’s always a requirement to prove the defendant’s mindset in these rich people crimes. Meanwhile intent to distribute can be determined solely by quantity.


Timing of trial and fairness of said trial seem to be independent variables for the most part.

Good book?

It was solid and informative.

I mean it’s gonna be his campaign slogan. Trump 2024 let’s overturn the illegal election.

But Trump is a known liar, so when he says “I committed the crime and I attest to that for legal purposes!” the law bros twist themselves in knots trying to prove that he is not lying when he says he did the crime. And what is the correct Latin term to apply in this situation? DON’T RUSH ME I’M THINKING IT OVER!!!