The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

There were an awful lot of people at my dad’s funeral. There’s a personality type that is extremely vulnerable to narcissists. They want someone to follow and will put up with almost anything to have that. A shocking % of the population would join a cult is what I’m saying.

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Normal stuff here.

That will really own the Libs!

Podcast host: who is the worst president?, and you can’t say Trump.
Francis fukuyama: why can’t I say Trump?
Host: ok, you can say Trump
FF: It’s definitely Trump

(at 3:44)

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Take 3,472


Calling Mike Lee means it was something sketchy but unimportant.

That’s the call where he was trying to reach coach Tuberville. (I think)

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Think I could sell something like that to gullible libs for 50 a pop?

do it

No word on the penalty for paying off porn stars with campaign money or paying personal legal fees for non-political criminal conduct or just generally using campaign money as your personal piggy bank.

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The FEC, in its statement dated March 29, said the fine for the Clinton campaign was $8,000 and the fine for the DNC was $105,000.


Are we the crazy ones? Is our news the actual conspiratorial bullshit? I’m feeling gaslit, man. Hunter Biden is under investigation by the DOJ, Hillary is being fined, zero for Trump, zilch for Gaetz, etc.


Law twitter is in their 6th year of condescendingly assuring everyone that justice is right around the corner.

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Republicans are evil and dems are feckless. One can’t exist without the other.

Imagine an America where Dems are more like me.

Apparently she was about to put out a book, Trump found out about it and hastily published before hers was released. LOL anyone voluntarily working for or with Donald fucking Trump.


You have to be so fucking stupid to not know you are getting screwed.

just as soon as infrastructure week is over

the leopard wouldn’t eat MY face