The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Might be time for some new material


None of them ever die

I know like 5 awesome dudes who died of cancer

These fucking assholes never ever ever die

Makes you wonder if staying alive is actually a punishment. Maybe we do go somewhere much better then here when we die.

Somewhere where Augusta National is just another muni and my back always feels good.

Assholes donā€™t die. Assholes go to ground.

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The pump has been dumped. Ty for your efforts Mr. Nunes.

Sweaty Dangerous Cult Leader Trump Lies to Lunatic Rally Crowd


WGH v1237.1


His own vanity.


I was thinking the same thing, but here is the interview and related story from The Atlantic. I havenā€™t gone through the hour-long video because why would I want to, but it seems genuine.

HOWEVERā€¦because the previous article is Raw Story, it is naturally very skewed. Trump didnā€™t actually say anything like ā€œHey guys, I really did lose the election.ā€

Hereā€™s what he said:

During our hour together, Trump didnā€™t have many questions for us. Even in his attempt to correct the record, Trump mostly didnā€™t acknowledge or engage with informed outside criticisms of his presidency. He did, however, admit to having sometimes retweeted people he shouldnā€™t have, and at one point he said, ā€œwhen I didnā€™t win the electionā€ā€”phrasing at odds with his false claim that the 2020 vote was stolen.

So obviously heā€™s not ā€œadmittingā€ to not winning the election. Heā€™s just saying that the results werenā€™t in his favor. He still talked about it being rigged and stolen and all that.


Itā€™s not like when Donnie Dumb Dumb says something that contradicts something he previously said, that means heā€™s withdrawing his prior statement. When youā€™re completely full of shit you donā€™t have to be consistent. Saying a bunch of contradictory things is a simple trick to allow a whole bunch of people to latch on to what they want to hear.

When a bombastic asshole like Donnie Dumb Dumb confidently and firmly says ā€œI hate applesā€ and 3 minutes later confidently and firmly says ā€œI love applesā€, it allows everyone in the world, apple haters and apple lovers, to think heā€™s on their side. Because he says it confidently and firmly, people will believe it when he says what they want to hear. This is part of the art of being a bullshitter.

When a mealy mouthed hedging careerist politician like Hillary tries to deliver a tempered, focus group tested balancing act and says something like ā€œI have always been a supporter of applesā€™ rights, but I acknowledge the challenge that certain people face with regard to their relationship with apples.ā€ no one believes anything she says and they all hate her.


This is something Iā€™ve never understood. Who the heck are they getting on these focus groups to produce the output that we see? A lot of the Dems terrible messaging isnā€™t just put together off the cuff, there is a serious amount of resources and effort that goes into it. Yet they come up with the stupidest shit.

The ironing.

Finally getting him.

This time, we got him

Keep it a secret becauseā€¦?

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a very good reason

Trump supporters in Congress could share details of the investigation with Trump. You donā€™t want the target of the investigation to be able to prepare until charges are filed. That includes having a heads up on what evidence they need to destroy or manufacture and what lies they need to prepare.